Michael Imagine

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Clifford was your best mate. Your rellies (relatives) love him! Your cousins thought you were so lucky and had teensy crushes on the Punk-Rock Aussie softie. You couldn't lie, he was pretty cute. Or just plain pretty! He was adorable and beautiful! You figured he was more beautiful than you...a knock interrupted your thoughts.

"Y/N! It's me! Your best friend! I brought ice cream! You should open up before it melts!" Michael screamed. You opened the door and he stepped in, a large grin on his face. He set the tub of ice cream on the table and took out some spoons. He handed one to you and opened the lid.

"Thanks, Mikey," you said.

"No problem! That's what...that's what friends are for..." He sounded kinda sad when saying the last part. He nearly struggled on the word 'friends'. Hmmm, I wonder what that could mean *note the sarcasm*.

"All right, Clifford, what's up with you?"

"What do you mean? I'm fine," he shrugged.

"I thought you weren't 'fine at all'," you explained, quoting his own song. He smiled and laughed a little.

"Nice," he fist bumped you and make the explosion sounds. "You were supposed to make your fist come back, Y/N! Like this!" He fist bumped you again, drew back while making explosion sounds, and brought his hand back to a fist and bumped your fist again.

"You're a nerd, Clifford."

"No, you're the nerd! I'm the Punk-Rock one!" He whined.

"Says the 19-year-old boy who loves kittens, sneezes like a kitten, giggles or laughs like an elementary school girl, and eats ice cream with his girl best friend whilst watching chick flicks," you replied.

"Like you're not any different! You're scared of spiders! Spiders!"

"Yeah, who isn't?!"

"Shut up, I'm Punk-Rock," he muttered. You giggled and he grinned so much his face nearly fell off. "Now or never," he said nearly audible.

"What?" You asked.

"I said, it's either now or never that I tell you something," he said confidently.

"And what would that be?" You smirked. You already had a pretty good idea what that was.

"Uh, it's, um, I thought I should, uh um, ask if we should go and see that movie you've been dying to watch since it's in town.

"Oh, sure!" You figured he'd finally spill the beans about his feelings towards you, because Ashton and Luke ended up with each others' hands over their mouths after telling you. Idiots. He grinned his million dollar 'I-am-a-kitty-princess-meow' smile.

At the movie, it was The Fault in Our Stars, Michael paid for everything and you took your seats in the back after the man in the front handed you and Michael two packs tissues. During the movie, you were balling your eyes out and michael had his arm wrapped protectively yet consoling-ly around you, and his pack of tissues was more than halfway gone. In the end, you walked out holding hands, Michael didn't object. You even intertwined your hands in the car and when he led you up to your doorstep.

"I loved the movie, Michael. I'm glad you asked me." You leaned up to his cheek and pecked it.

"You're welcome," he replied, grinning. "But, Y/N, there is something I really do need to tell you."

You nodded, urging him to continue.

"Okay, so I've been crushing on you really hard ever since you turned eighteen. I know it's really weird since we're best friends and really close, but-"

You lightly rested your lips on his and felt the fluffiest pair of lips ever. He finally became a man and told you his feelings. You showed him your feelings. He hands automatically went to your waist and your arms wrapped around his neck.

"I'm glad the feeling's mutual," he said smirking. You laughed and hugged him.

"Yep, it sure is."

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