•chapter six•

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The rest of the team had left the precinct putting their plan into action, and due to Madeline being put on desk duty, she had to stay behind

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The rest of the team had left the precinct putting their plan into action, and due to Madeline being put on desk duty, she had to stay behind. However, Kim and Kevin made sure to keep the girl company, providing the gossip, while her and Trudy provided the food and drinks. They were all sat upstairs in the breakroom, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere now that none of the team were there. Madeline was quietly enjoying her food, having ordered two burgers and two portions of chips, feeling extra hungry, and the two patrol officers looked at the young woman like she had two heads. Kim, not knowing how to keep her mouth shut, took the brunette's attention away from her burger.

"Dude, you know you can breathe between bites right?"

The brunette detective looked up from her food with a sheepish grin, before looking around the table, seeing that everyone had a shocked look on their face. She placed her burger back on the wrapper, and took a deep breath.

"I may or may not be pregnant."

The breakroom went so quiet you could hear the cogs turning in each of their heads, processing the new information. The first one to speak was Kim, not being able to contain her squeal, and jumped from her chair and ran over to the Johnson girl, wrapping her in a hug. Kevin was the next to offer his congratulations, a little less enthusiastically, and finally Trudy, who was sat there with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes.

"I'm gonna be a grandma?"

Madeline nodded at the woman who was a mother figure to her, like Voight was a father figure. Trudy got up from her seat and gave Madeline a hug, smiling and crying at the same time.

"I love you Maddy, and if you need anything, let me know."

"I love you too Trudy."

Madeline was glad none of them asked about the injuries or George, because deep down they all knew, and they vowed that they would do anything to help her, because she was family. The pair sat down and looked at the two patrol officers who were shocked at the amount of emotion their Sergeant had shown, never seeing that side of her. Trudy pointed her finger at the pair while Madeline went back to eating her food.

"If you two ever tell anyone about what you just saw, I'll give you the crappiest jobs going and make sure you're down for overtime, understood?"

Both Kevin and Kim nodded their heads with wide eyes, before returning to their food, watching with amusement as Madeline devoured hers. The group went back to gossiping, Kim more than anyone else, when they hears voices coming upstairs and they knew that the team was back. The Johnson detective was to immersed in her conversation with Trudy to notice a certain blue eyed detective waltz into the breakroom, until he placed a kiss on the side of her head and stole a chip.

"Excuse you Halstead, that was mine."

Jay placed the chip in his mouth with a smug smiled, before sitting down next to her, knowing they had a few minutes before Voight came and got them. He started helping himself to her chips, knowing that she would let him, and told her how the buy had gone down, while she finished her second burger.

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