|Chapter 22|

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●Michael POV●

My legs carried me down the road. My head was arching from pain, since my flower was ripped off of my garden. She started to grow in it, got more beautiful. I took care of her, even was careful when I touched her with my rather rough hands. I didn't want to harm her. Even if only one paddel would have dropped from her stinging beauty, it would've been the death of me. It would've been something unforgivable. The thought of her being in pain by my made my heart arch and my throat tighten. The lak of air was noticeable after a few seconds, just then I notice, that I forgot to breath. I sigh.

So deeply in thoughts about a special someone, who wouldn't even waste a single minute to think about me. Sometimes I even wondered why I'm doing all this. Running after her. Loving her unconditionally. Why I even bother and can't move on. But there was no answer to it. I still Love her. Still want her. It was crazy, but I couldn't help it. Love makes you do stupid things. You'd do anything to make them happy. To see them smile. To laugh. If they wanted you to change, well, you'd change. You couldn't even control it. It's just to help them. To make them see you. And I want to be seen by her. I want her to laugh at my jokes or laugh around me, because the moment we're having is just peaceful. I want her to smile at me, when I feel unappreciated. I want her to hug me, when I feel alone. I want her to kiss me, when I'm craving for her approval. I would do anything, anything at all, to receive at least one of those things. But to be honest. I just want her to notice me.

I wasn't bothered by others. In fact, it was rather comforting when they ignored me. It always felt better. To be alone. To be able to reflect yourself without any opinions of others. I enjoyed the time, when I could just do my things and that's that. Listening to music on my old Radio was always something I enjoyed doing. Especially when a deep, emotional and thoughtful song came one. I'd often close my eyes and just listen to the tune. Whistling or singing along from time to time. But after I met her, it changed. To often I imagined or wished, that she'd just cuddle into my side and listen to music with me together. But that never happened, and so I had to listen to it alone. And it bothered me, because it felt like...something was missing.

Her smile could brighten up a whole room. Even the sun can't shine as bright and this tainted world ruined that from year to year. Her smile wasn't as bright anymore, and that is because of all the people she surrounds herself with. She married a man, who doesn't even appreciate her. Not. One. Bit. If I'd be that man, I'd be hella lucky. I'd give anything, if that means I get to switch positions with him. He doesn't even know, that he has won it all, with this woman he has on his side. But of course he doesn't and most likely never know. But now, it will be diffrent. Because I have returned and over the past years I could not forgot about her. Even if I tried. Her laughs and her attitude....no....her whole self would conquer me in my dreams and that's where I always met her. We meet in my Dreams each night and she would tell me, that there was nothing to fear. She would always be there. Meeting her there every night. And it always felt so real.

Raindrops came in contact with my hand. My eyes glanced at the sky. It began to pour heavily, but I didn't mind it at all. I was nearly there, my next destination. The place where he has taken her. The devil himself. Always taking things from him, that mattered the most. He'd always be interested in getting famous. Writing books about me was only the beginning. I felt disgusted by that man, who calls himself a psychiatrist. If he was one, then I would've have become the person I am. Or maybe he just didn't manage to get through my thick head. I chuckled at that. He wouldn't be the first one, who didn't manage that. My mother always had to fight with me as well. Though she didn't treat me like a monster.

The road came to an end. My clothes were soaked from head to toe. My eyes were focused. The Sanitarium was right there and it looked even shitier than I remember. I played with the knife in my head, though my eyes are on the building. She is there. I can feel it. Her aura, it's pulling me to her. Loomis would regret taking her from me, I'd make sure of that. He has roomed this earth for far to long now anyway. None of the people in this god forsaken country would even miss him. However this event will turn out. By the end of the day. (Y/n) will be mine. Whether she likes it. Or not.

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