|Chapter 13|

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A cold shiver ran down my back, goose bumps were noticeable in the cold air that flowed through this room. I noticed that I had a slight headache, but why I felt this pain was not clear. I just couldn't remember what had happend.

Slowly I opened my eyes and looked around. But it was too dark to see anything. What I could say, however, was that I was neither at home nor in any familiar environment. I decided not to call for anyone, it would be too risky and not really smart, I would probably end up dead like these girls in the horror movies I always watch.

A groan caught my attention. It seemed so close, but there was no one in the room but me, was there?
I tried to get up from the floor, but my legs were as heavy as lead and after I heard the rattling of chains, the situation was immediately clear to me.

"Hello? Is anybody there?" A familiar voice echoed across the room. My head slowly turned in the direction the voice came from.

"Laurie? Are you ok?!" I whisppered, but loud enough for her to hear behind that door, that was blocking us.

"(Y/n)!? Is that you!?" asked Laurie relieved and was probably smiling.

"Yes, it's me! Don't worry, I'll get us out of here" I said with determination and looked around the room a little further, my eyes then landed on a key hanging on the wall, close to the exit.

"Please hurry, he'll be right back for sure!" she said in a terrified tone.

I moved my body in the direction of the key. The chain that was attached to my ankle was not long enough and prevented my plan. I extended my hand further and further, there were really only millimeters between me and freedom. But I just couldn't grab that damn key.

"Come on! Just a bit more!" I said with my eyes narrowing. I took my body to the limit, hellish pains began to appear, but I didn't care. "just a tiny bit more," I said, as my fingertips could already feel the cold metal.

But as soon as I could finally grab the shiny key, a hand grabbed my wrist. Frightened, I looked up at the person who had such intense strength and almost broke my wrist in half. His cold eyes showed no pity and were as cold as this room. They stared directly into mine, only then I noticed that his breath was much too fast and it almost sounded like the growl of a wild animal.

With a quick movement I was flung against his chest and there he holds me as he stared down at me. I could not look away. I was paralyzed, but one thing was clear to me: I was not allowed to move, a slight movement would upset him, for sure. I don't want to find out what he would do to me if I tried to break free now.

"(Y/n)? Are you okay?"

Michael's head turned in the direction of the door and then back to me, his left hand found its way to my cheek and stroked it, probably trying to calm me down a bit, or maybe himself. He then turned in the direction of the chain and unlocked the other end, which he then healed in his hand. He then pulled the chain closer to him, which made me fall and hit the ground with a loud bang.

I groaned in pain and slowly straightened up, my hands embraced my head as the pounding rose and the pain increased. Michael knelt down to me and looked at me. For a brief moment I could have sworn that he was worried. But his eyes were ice cold again and he pulled me up once more. Like a doll, that's how I felt. His strength made me feel like a feather, as easy as he got me up.

He dragged me towards the door and unlocked it. My eyes had to adjust to the light in the room as he pulled me inside further. He commanded me to sit down on some chsir in the room and I did just that.

"(Y/n), did he touch you?! I swear I'll kill hi-" Laurie didn't finish that sentence though as soon as she saw Michael looking diractly at her. Her eyes then looked towards the ground, remaining mute just like me. Michael took the silence as an opportunity and got something out of his pocket. He pulled two pictures out and gave them to Laurie first.

He was waiting for some kind of reaction from her, but she only looked at these pictures in confusion. Tears were running down her face as she shook her head.
"I don't know what you want."

Michael grunted, obviously unsatisfied with her answer. He snatched the pictures from her trembling hands, his head slowly turned towards me and with slow steps, he made his way towards me. He knelt down to me and then carefuly placed the pictures into my hands, while his eyes remained on mine.

My eyes looked at the two pictures and at first I did not understand why he showed me these pictures. They were old pictures from the past. One was of Boo and Him, the other of Me and Him.

But then I looked at Laurie, then what is she doing here?
Unless she's... My eyes widened and suddenly everything was clear to me. Laurie Strode is Michael's little sister! Loomis was in fact right about that, even when I couldn't believe it. He isn't some crazy man after all.
After I realized this, I remembered the last words Michael called out to me after he was arrested by the police. Michael seemed to recognize in my eyes that I now knew exactly why we were here and stroked my head, just like you would stroke a dog. Uncomfortable with his gesture I turned my head in the other direction, I refused to look at him.

Who would have thought that this madman would achieve this absurd dream? That after all these years he still thought about us and didn't give up? It would have been sweet if this was in a more romantic situation and not a murderer in front of me. But I guess life had a different plan for me.

 Love, Michael  {Reworking Process}Where stories live. Discover now