|Chapter 14|

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Who would have thought that this madman would achieve this absurd dream? That after all these years he still thought about us and didn't give up? It would have been sweet if this was in a more romantic situation and not a murderer in front of me. But I guess life had a different plan for me.~

"I'm sorry, but I-I don't know what you want.." Laurie said desperately and more tears were streaming down her cheeks. Michael didn't like her answer and got closer to her face, nearly shoving the picture in her face. Laurie's eyes looked at me, they were begging for help and this time I will help.

"Michael!" I yelled and slowly got up from the chair. Michael slowly turned his body to me, his eyes were scanning my body. He was looking for some kind of reaction, he was trying to read me. He wants to know, what I was about to do. His eyes slowly wandered up to my eyes again and remained there, it almost felt like he was challenging me. Like I was an opponent in his own game because he couldn't see right through me. And that...triggered him slightly.

"Michael," I said this time a little softer and walked up to him, but slowly. I didn't want to take one false step, this could blow up my whole plan. I was planning on getting on his good side. I want to know his true intention, why he was doing it and what kept him going. I want to make him believe that Laurie and I were going to stay with him forever and to run at the right moment. If I would escape now, then he would never trust me. He would cage me and even chain me up with him. He wouldn't leave my side for one second and more people would die, if they came to my rescue. I didn't even notice that I was standing right in front of him. My eyes were staring at him, fear overtook my body immediately. My heart beat all the way up to my throat and I gulped as his bloody hand slowly rose and rested on my cheek. "You need to give her time, she was just a Baby back then."

Michael eyes sparkled, like he remembered something and then nodded his head. He put his other hand on my lower back and pulled me closer to his body. His eyes radiated a certain passion and inner peace beamed through my body, he would not hurt me, his blue eyes revealed his love as he gently stroked my cheek. He stroked me so carefully that I thought I was a porcelain doll and he could break me with one misplaced movement. I had no doubt that he could just do that. He proved his strength to me when he literally destroyed the cops back in the house.

"(Y/n), what are you.." Laurie was confused by my answer for a second, but soon caught up on what I was doing. Well I thought I knew that she knows what I was doing, I guess she was just stupid after all. She made Michael believe for a split second, that she would remember him but then she knocked him to the ground. I facepalmed in my head at her stupidness and noticed her hand reaching for mine.

"What are you- No time to ask! We need to get out of here!" Laurie said scared as she interrupt my question. She dragged me some stairs up, not knowing if we were going the right way or maybe just an trap.

"Laurie?! What did you do! You ruined my plan within a few seconds!" I whispered to her as soon as I heared heavy food steps behind us. Michael is surely pissed by now.

"I thought that was the plan!?" She said a little louder, giving away our current location.

"Laurie! My god," I said angry but quietly and held a finger in front of her mouth "You need to stay the fuck quiet or none of us will get out of here!"

I turned away from Laurie and scanned the room, there were a few windows but they were barricaded. Perhaps we could find something and break through those barricades. Laurie wouldn't be a great help though, she would probably cause to much noise.
Would I be a bad person, if I'd just leave her here and do my own thing? I mean she is still a teen and doesn't know how to thinking correctly in this type of situation.

A loud cry ripped me from my thoughts and I turned around in confusion as I saw into Laurie's eyes that looked right past me. I closed my eyes and a fearful smile formed on my lips.

"He's behind me, isn't he?"

 Love, Michael  {Reworking Process}Where stories live. Discover now