|Chapter 19|

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"Look, all I'm saying is; You need to take a shower, seriously." Michael looked perplexed into my eyes as he held the sponge up. I'd have called me crazy a week ago to talk to him about such thing, but the smell of blood and all the gore was getting unbearable. The funny thing about it, is the fact that he looked at me like I had cursed him with some weird witch spell a second ago.

"I'm sorry, but you smell." I stated again and played with my hands as his intense stare met my eyes. His head slowly shifts towards the sponge in his hand and tilted his head slowly. A chuckle escaped my lips as he suddenly began to smell on it through his mask, which was a bit troublesome for him to do so, since the holes weren't that big. He then proceeded with his rough hands to squish the soft object, it was very adorable.

"Ok young man, time for a quick shower." I demanded playful as I shoved him towards the bathroom. Luckily Michael managed to find a small abandoned house in the forest, which was way more comfortable than the old barn. I was ecstatic to at least have something normal in my life right now, something which reminds me a bit of my old home.

Michael protested at first and tried to throw me over his shoulder, trying to take me with him into the tiny room. I quickly dodged his little "attack" with a laugh and shoved him in. I must have gone crazy, I was laughing at the childish behaviour of an obsessed murderer, but I couldn't help it. In all these days I somehow grew a bit attached to the big bear. He was always a bug softy around me and I appreciated the fact that he wasn't going killing that often like he used to. He explained to me that I was the cause of his sudden change in behaviour, and that made me blush.

Maybe it's because he's the only person I could talk to or search comfort in. It didn't change the fact though that he was kind to me and I'd say that he wasn't a monster, like everyone refers him as. He was a misunderstood man in my eyes, he was loved only by a few and feared by many. Maybe he was such a "monster" because they treated him as such. The man who I'm pushing into the bathroom acted like someone who couldn't even hurt a fly. Surely the mask is a bit freaky in the eyes of others, but I'd say that it was his true self, and I liked it. I got used to it and I couldn't imagine him in any other way, even though I'm still curious about his true appearance. I'd love to see what was underneath that mask, but he always gets a bit aggressive when I try to take it of or ask him nicely if he could show himself to me. I'd wait, I'd wait for the day when he decided to show himself to me. It could be tomorrow, it could be next month. I could even wait for years, because I respected his decision and want him to get more comfortable around me as well, since we most likely will spend the rest of our life's together.

The sudden pull on my arm got me out of my thoughts and was now in the arms of Michael. His big blue eyes stared at me through the dark holes and I could tell just by their sparkles, that he was in fact happy. This realisation made my heart flutter and a small smile formed on my lips as I leaned into the hug. I needed this. The warmth and the comfort, I missed it and I'd never brush this sign of affection off.

"Now, take a shower and I'll be outside ok?" I asked him as I ended the hug and was about to walk towards the door, but Michael's hand quickly reached out for my arm and held me in place.

His eyes were begging me to stay, he didn't even have to write something down, because his actions and the emotions behind those soft eyes said more than thousands of words.

"Michael, I can't stay with you here." I said flustered and my cheeks began to fire up as his grib grew a little tighter.
He closed his eyes for a moment and his breath grew heavy, I thought for a second that he was raging or struggling to breath, but that wasn't the case at all. A quiet but raspy voice was heared after 2 minutes and I could feel my mouth slowly open in shock.

"P-p-please." It was a short amount of time to hear his voice, but it was clear and enough for me to understand. His eyes then opened themselves and stared into my own again. I knew that it took a lot of courage to talk to me, since he didn't talk to anyone in these past years and I was somehow honoured to be the first and probably the only person, he wants to talk to.

"I-uh...I'm just turning my back towards you, I guess."

His hand left my arm and with a nod he began to strip is jumper. I immediately covered my eyes and faced the wall behind me. Michael could probably sell me to the market, cause my head must be as red as a tomato by now. Who could blame me though? He just undressed himself while I was staring at him.
The sound of water was heared only a few seconds later. A sudden temptation starts to build up and my heart began to beat uncontrollably. The urge to take a quick peek behind me grew stronger with every second that passed, and I didn't understand why I was suddenly so dirty minded. I couldn't help myself, my face slowly turned towards the running shower and stared at the muscular back. I but my lips, I shouldn't be starring, it was just rude and inappropriate.

Before he saw me starring, I quickly faced the wall again and tried to calm my nerves and my rapid breath. The room went silent and only the sound of wet steps behind me filled the small room. I closed my eyes as I took deep breaths and slowly exhaled. A hand found it's way to my shoulder and I turned towards the body hoovering over my tiny one. Michael analysed my whole body before scanned the room. His eyes stopped at the mirror, which was covered in fog because of the hot water. He began to write on it, and I hung on every word till the whole sentence revealed itself.

'I saw you starring, you know that right?'

I saw him watching me from the corner of my eyes, he was clearly amused about it. I can't blame him though, this was so damn embarrassing. I folded my arms over my chest and turned away from him, hiding the upcoming blush.

"S-shut up."

Only a dry and deep chuckle filled the room, and that caused me to laugh as well. He wasn't that bad after all.

 Love, Michael  {Reworking Process}Where stories live. Discover now