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Y/n PoV :

At school :

As usual the classes went by . My morning schedule has been finished .

As it was lunch time I took my plate and stuffed it with food . As I was walking to the table where my friends were sitting I suddenly got tripped over and fell down .

The food splattered over the floor and some on me too . I looked upto see yoongi smirking at me and others laughing .

So he was the one who put the leg .

Not only he is cold hearted but he became a bully to me . Why the hell does this guy hate me so much .

I felt very embarrassed. I wanted to kill him right away .

What's with you ? Why are you doing this ?

I yelled at him fisting my hands .

You are my problem .

What ?

I said you not to interfere with me . But you didn't listen . I warned you . Now you will have to face the consequences.

Is he serious right now ? Oh god . I scoffed folding my arms across my chest .

Don't be childish you a**hole .

I blurted out . Everyone were shocked hearing me cursing . But what should I do ? I m fuming with anger . I m done with his childish behaviour.

He grabbed my hair and whispered in his deep voice

Don't you dare call me that again .

He pushed me away and left with his friends . My friends came to me and helped me .

Next day ;

I didn't go yesterday to teach yoongi . I didn't wanted to face him so soon . Not that I m afraid of him . I just don't want to lose my temper again .

I was taking books from my locker when someone pushed me against the lockers and close my locker door shut . I flinched .

I opened my eyes to see yoongi staring at me with an instead glare .

What did I do now ?

What is your problem now ?

I asked him .

When are you quitting ?

Listen yoongi we both need this . So stop with your tricks . I m not going to give up .

He became very angry and punched the locker beside me making me shut my ears in fear .

Look this is the last time I am asking . Give up .

No .

He left from there very angrily. I wanted to make him understand and sort things out . So I grabbed his wrist making him stop . But he pulled his wrist from my grip very harshly making me stumble on my legs and I fell down .

Ouch !

I exclaimed in pain . My elbow got hurt . And my glasses fell on the floor . He stepped on those glasses smirking at me and left .

Fckng basta*d .

I had extra pair of glasses in my locker . So I took them and went to class. My elbow was still hurting but I have no time to go to nurse room now .

The cold hearted guy Where stories live. Discover now