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Y/n PoV :

My heart was beating fast . Why is yoongi suddenly behaving differently with me ? Is there any behind reason for his sudden change of behaviour ?

I got remembered about the Kiss we shared and I blushed . That was my first kiss . I blushed immensely.

Wth is he doing to me ?

I was so lost in my thoughts when someone suddenly grabbed my wrist pulling me towards them . I gasped at the sudden action .

Yoongi PoV :

Ugh why is this girl playing hard to get ?

I thought my plan was going smoothly .

Then why is she acting like this ?

I think I should do something . I should do something to disturb her more .

So I rushed out of the cafeteria and saw y/n leaving . I grabbed her wrist and took her to the rooftop .

Hey leave me .

She yelled but I kept my finger on her lips shutting her mouth . Then I saw her cheeks turning red . I smirked to myself . I have a so much effect on her .

Why did you bring me to the rooftop ?

I saw how she controlled herself and spoke in a stern voice but failed because I know she is just acting .

You said all people were looking at us so you don't want to eat with me . I bought us here because there is no one .

That does not mean that I accepted to eat with you just because there is no one .

She spoke crossing her arms over her chest . I ran my fingers through my hair .

God !!! This girl is testing my patience . Why can't she be very easy to get ? Why is she playing so hard to get ?

Why are you acting this way y/n ? It's only lunch right .

Listen yoongi , I don't know what you are planning to do but quit it .

She is smart but I can't let her know about my plan .

Look I m not planning on anything . I just want to be friends with you since you are helping me a lot .

She eyed me suspiciously .

I don't believe you .

Ugh y/n . I m just trying to be nice with you . Why are you being dramatic ?

What ???? I m being dramatic ????it's because of you I m behaving like this . Who gave you the permission to kiss me ? It was my first kiss and you stole it .

Wait , what ?????? It was her first kiss ?????

So that means I m the only one who got to kiss her . Without realising I smiled to myself .

Answer me yoongi ? How can you kiss me without my permission?

I m sorry about the kiss . It was just out of a moment and you didn't even stop me . You can't blame me . You could have stopped me from kissing you but you didn't . So you are at fault too .

Y/n PoV :

His question caught me off guard . Yes , he is right .

I didn't stop him . Instead you liked it and now you are questioning him .

What ? Cat got your tongue ?

Yoongi looked at me and smirked . I scoffed .

I opened my mouth to answer but nothing came out from my mouth .

Okay fine . Let's stop talking about it because it's only making us more awkward.

I said .

Then have lunch with me .

No .

Oh come on y/n , aren't you hungry ?

Nope I m not .

Then your stomach growled in hunger and you clutched it . You were embarrassed. Yoongi chuckled looking at you .

You were shocked . Is he smiling at you ? Wow . His smile is so nice .

Come on , let's sit there and eat something.

He took your hand and made you sit on a bench .

He sat beside you .

I bought sandwiches. Have one .

I don't want to .

Don't be stubborn y/n .

You were still not taking it . He sighed and spoke

Don't let me make you eat .

You scoffed and took the burger from his hands . You both started eating it .

You looked at the sky .

Yoongi PoV :

I finished my sandwich and looked at her . She was looking at the sky . Her side view is amazing .

The wind blowed and her hair waved in hair . Few strands of her hair have fallen onto her face . The sun was hitting on us and her face was glowing .

Wow I never thought she looked beautiful too .

She was admiring the sky while I was admiring her .

I saw her struggling to eat because of the wind . So I took few strands of her hair and tucked them behind her ear .

When I did it her breath hitched . She turned to me with her eyes slightly widened .

Our eyes locked and then my eyes immediately landed on her lips . I smiled to myself how childish she can be while eating .

There was a small piece of bread crump on the corner of her mouth . I wiped it off . Her body tensed under my touch .

Then I suddenly got a urge to kiss her . I saw her blushing and she was looking so cute .

I leaned in to kiss her but she turned away and that made me come back to the reality .

Wtf is wrong with you yoongi ? You have to make her fall for you not the other way around .

I mentally scolded myself .

Little did you both know that you both started falling for each other .

And little did you both didn't know was there was someone watching you both behind the wall and was fuming because of jealousy .


Hi guys , sorry for updating the parts slowly .

I m on Instagram too and I write regularly there . That's why I m unable to post here regularly but I will try my best to update fast and not let you guys wait for long .

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If you want to follow me on my Instagram then my id is : nemoffics_bts .

Thank you . Bye guys . Have a great day .

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