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Yoongi PoV :

Next day ;

I saw ziya bullying y/n again .

I hope she quits this time .

I thought to myself and stood there watching them . At first ziya abused her verbally but I was shocked when I saw ziya pushing y/n to floor and kicking on her stomach . Her friends also joined her started beating y/n . I ran to them and pushed them away .

Yahhh are you crazy ? What are you doing ?

I yelled at her .

I m making her quit as you said .

I didn't say to abuse her like this . How can you use violence on a girl ?

But oppa .....this b*tch isn't listening to me . That's why I thought to teach her a lesson this way .

Stop the f*** ziya. Just get lost from my sight . And never touch y/n .

I yelled at her angrily . Y/n groaned in pain . I kneeled down to her position and helped her sitting up . She clutched her stomach . Her lip was bleeding too .

Let's get home . You need to be treated .

I said and took her to my home . I made her sit on the bed and went to bring the first aid .

I cleaned her wounds .

Y/n lift your shirt up so that I can apply this cream .

She looked flustered . Her cheeks caught up red colour .

I c-can do it .

She stuttered .

Y/n you are in pain because of me . So let me do it .

I said and she lifted her shirt up slowly . She was blushing and I smiled to myself seeing her reaction . I applied the cream and washed my hands .

I came back saw her lip .

Oh I totally forgot about the lip .

The lip wasn't bleeding but it was swollen . I bought the ice and kept on her lips . I saw her staring at me . I looked into her eyes and I got lost in them . The ice was melted . My eyes went to her lips . Then to her eyes again . And her action was the same .

I leaned in and looked into her eyes again . She didn't move back . So I took this as yes and pressed my lips on hers . She closed her eyes . We didn't move our lips . Just feeling each other's lips on others .

Soon I realised what was I doing . I pushed her away and broke the kiss .

What the f*** did I just do ? Did I kiss her ? What was I even thinking ?

I scolded myself internally . Y/n ran away from my room to her house . I kept my hand on my heart which was beating fast .

I need to stop thinking about her .

Y/n PoV :

I ran to my house and sat on my bed . My heart was still beating very fast . It was my first kiss and I just gave it to the person I hate .

I can't believe myself . How did I get caught up in the moment ?

Then suddenly I got a notification on my phone . I took it and saw the reminder . The reminder for my exams . Oh god there are only few weeks away from the exam . I should start preparing for them .

I shouldn't think about the kiss . I shouldn't think about yoongi . I should only concentrate on my studies . I can't let anything distract me .

Yoongi PoV :

The next day y/n was avoiding me . Whenever our eyes met I saw her cheeks turning red . She is nervous around me .

Then an idea popped up in my mind . I got a perfect idea for making her quit teaching me . I will make her stop this time .

She never gave up after I bullied her , ziya beating her .

But now she will .

After the yesterday's kiss she is not even looking into my eyes which means it surely affected her which is why she is avoiding me . I smirk to myself thinking about the plan .

Well , the plan is flirting with her . I see that she has no experience in relationships or love . And this will surely affect her and because of it she will stay away from me .

I will flirt with her , disturb her , fake love her , I will make her heart flutter , I will make sure to occupy her thoughts which means she will soon realise that I m being a distraction to her . And so she will stop talking to me and teaching me . She will give up on me .

I m sorry y/n but it's for my benefit .

I smirk to myself looking at her direction .

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