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Yoongi PoV :

2 days passed .

She is not giving me any attention . It's like she totally forgot my existence .she didn't come to my house nor talk to me at all . All the time she is with jinyoung in the name of project .

I don't know why but I m getting so worked up seeing both of them together . I don't like him .

Am I jealous ? No way .

Lunch time ;

I walked into the cafeteria and my eyes landed on y/n . She was sitting with Jin young . She was laughing with him again .

I went and sat on the table opposite to them not tearing my stare from them . But she didn't notice me . I was staring at her continuously hoping that she would notice it but she was too busy chatting with him . She didn't even realise my presence .

I ran my fingers through my hair and messed it up I'm frustration . He was being touchy with her but she didn't notice it or she didn't mind .

I was trying my best to control my anger but it all went away when I saw him wiping her lower lip . Looks like she had some sauce and he wiped it . My blood boiled when I saw him licking his finger and she blushed .

That's it . I lost my control .

I went to them and kicked jinyoung out of his chair . I was about to punch him but y/n voice stopped me .

What are you doing yoongi ?

She asked shockingly and went to help him . But that guy smirked at me . My teeth clenched in anger and I punched his face .

I punched again . Y/n tried to stop me but her strength was nothing compared to mine . So she went and hovered on jin young coming in between us . She knew I wouldn't hit her . She is protecting him . The thought of her protecting this bastard made my more anger .

Y/n get out of my way .

I spoke glaring at her trying to scare her .

No , if I move you will hit him again . I don't him to get hurt .

My eyes widened . She really wants to protect him ?

Then an idea popped up in my mind . I smirked at her while she looked confused at me .

I guess I should teach you a lesson then .

Then I grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of the cafeteria .

⚠️: slightly mature content ahead . If you are under the age of 16 then I suggest to skip this .

Y/n PoV :

He dragged me to an empty classroom and closed the door . I tried to protest but he is too strong .

He pushed me to the wall . He locked the door and looked at me smirking .

Why did he lock the door ? What is he going to do to me ?

I saw him taking steps towards me and I moved backward . My back hit the wall behind me .

Y-yah why did y-you close the d-door ?

I asked stuttering .

It's time to teach you lesson .

He came close and put his one arm on the wall beside me . He was close to me . My heart started beating fast . I didn't understand what he meant by teaching me a lesson . What lesson and why ?

Let go .

I spoke and I m not sure if he heard that because my voice came out as a whisper because he is too close to me . He leaned in and my breath got hitched . His face is just a few inches away from mine .

I tried to push him and get away but he pinned me to the wall . And then he kissed me on my lips . It was so sudden that it took sometime for me to process what's going on .

I came back to the reality when he bit my lower lip and I gasped opening my mouth which he took a chance to insert his tongue inside my mouth . He was being rough . No , this shouldn't happen .

I hit his chest to stop but he grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head with his large hands . I tried to resist the urge of kissing him back and looks like I m succeeding .

Seeing me not fighting back he slowly released my hands and his one hand cupped my cheek while the other roamed on the side of my body giving me goosebumps . My heart felt like it could come out any minute .

He started kissing me softly . His lips moved slow and his hands were doing magic on my body . I felt shivers run down through my spine because of his touch . I failed to hold the urge to kiss him back and I kissed him back .

He smirked seeing me kissing him back . He pulled me closer and our bodies stuck to each other . My breasts hit his chest and I felt heat rushing to my cheeks .

I wrapped my hands around his neck and tilted my head to side a little to make the kiss go easy . He sucked on my lower lip and grabbed my ass making me moan .

He gave sloppy kisses on side of lips then jawline and moved to my neck . He unbuttoned the top of my shirt and I let him do it . My hormones were messed up . I was loving what he was doing to me . I didn't want him to stop but go more further .

He kissed my neck and grabbed my hair tilting my head backwards so he could have more access to my neck . He kissed all over my neck and found my sensitive spot .

He kissed on it the licked the place . He bit that place a little trying to not to hurt me . He sucked on the same spot . He was giving me a hickey . Oh god this will be the first hickey in my life . He left my skin with a small kiss . I was a moaning mess . Since it's my first time to have a boy letting him do this to me I didn't know how to react . I just went with the flow .

He grabbed my breast and I let out a big moan . I covered my mouth and yoongi smirked looking at me .

Looks like they are sensitive .

He spoke smirking . Stupid boy . How can he smirk like that when I m embarrassed here . He kissed me again on my lips .

God you are so irresistible . I want to do dirty things with you which I didn't do with anybody .

He said making me feel wet down there . It's my first time feeling something like this .

I got out from my trance when I heard a knock on the door . I pushed him away but he just grabbed my waist tight and pulled me to him . He went to my neck giving me an another hickey .

Yoongi there is someone out there .

So what ?

This guy ........ he doesn't care about anything.

We should stop yoongi .

But he didn't stop . He bit my neck making me moan again . This boy will be the death of me .

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