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Y/n PoV :

It's been few minutes and yoongi is not back yet . Jinyoung was trying to talk to me but my mind was on yoongi . Why did he behave like that ? Why does he hate jinyoung so much ? Why did he push jinyoung ?

You want any drink y/n ?

Jinyoung asked tapping my arm .

Ah yes . Sprite please .

I said and he chuckled .

There are drinks y/n go for them . Why soft drinks ?

I don't drink jinyoung . I never did . I just like to have a soft drink .

Oh okay then I will go get it .

I just sat there and my eyes roamed around the party room seeing everyone enjoying themselves . I saw my friends being busy with their dates . I still didn't see yoongi .

I got up from my seat and was about the go to the backyard but jinyoung stopped me . He handed me the drink .

I sat with him and took a sip of it . It tasted a little bit weird .

It tastes different jinyoung ? Isn't this the regular sprite ?

I asked him and he smirked .

I added lemon to it . That's why it tastes different . Don't worry y/n .

I nodded suspiciously and drank the cool drink because honestly it tasted good . After sometime I started feeling different inside .

I started feeling my blood flow to my private part . My heart rate increased . My breathing pattern changed . I feel freaky . I feel weird tingling sensation in my lower part .

Jinyoung PoV :

I see that the drug I mixed in y/n drink started having its effects . I have mixed it up to get her high . I wanted to have sex with her . I wanted to touch her so badly . And I know when she is in her conscious state she won't allow me to . Top of that this yoongi guy is always around us pushing me away from her .

Thank god he is not around and left the party or else my plan would have been failed .

⚠️: mature content ahead !!!!!!!

I put my hand on her thigh and squeezed it gently . She let out a shaky moan and it made me hard . I can already feel bulge in my pants .

I traced my fingers along her cheek to her jawline then her neck . I can see her shivering under my touch . Her reaction is making me go crazy .

I leaned over and smelled her . God she smells so good . I bit her ear lobe making her moan .

J-jinyoung w-what are you d-doing ?

Shhhh baby . Just let me make you feel good .

I put my finger over her lips . I touched lips and her started shaking . Her breathing became heavier . I can see that she is on high already . The drug made its effect on her so soon .

I kissed her neck and she whimpered. I licked the same spot .

Y/n PoV :

Why was I feeling like this ? Why do I feel horny ? Why do I feel wet down there ? Am I on high ?

Oh godddd. The way jinyoung is touching me giving me a very weird feeling . My stomach was doing flips . I feel horny up . I feel turned on .

I felt jinyoung licking my neck . I felt disgusted . But my body was liking it . He slowly started sucking on it . I tried to push him but my body is resisting me from doing so .

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