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Y/n PoV :

I woke up feeling my body sore . I opened my eyes rubbing them and looked around .

This is not my room but this is very familiar . Then my eyes widened its yoongis room .

What am I doing here ?????

I tried to remember what happened and everything recalled in my mind . I saw my wounds already treated . I smiled to myself thinking that yoongi might have treated me .

I looked around the room hoping that he would be here but he wasn't there . Where did he sleep at night ?

I got up from the bed and went out of the room in search for him .

Yoongi PoV :

After hyung checked her wounds and left I treated her wounds . He said they weren't severe but she will be having pain so he gave some painkillers .

I went to the kitchen and started preparing something to eat . I bought some fruits and juices .

I heard footsteps and saw her coming down .

Y/n what are you doing ? You should be resting .

What time is it ?

It's 7 in the evening .

Omg I should leave . I didn't inform my parents and they must be worried .

Don't worry I already informed your mom that you are with me .

Oh really , thank you .

I nodded my head slightly accepting her thank you . There was awkward silence between when she broke it .

I think we should start studying now without wasting any time .

Are you crazy ? Look at you , you are in no position to tutor me now . You should take rest .

Yoongi listen we have finals coming soon and I have promised the principal and your mom that I will help you pass on the exams .

But y/n not now .

I don't care about these wounds yoongi . Our exams are important. You need to pass .

I sighed .

Look y/n let's take a break for only today . From tomorrow I will study hard I promise .

But -

No buts y/n .

I said in a serious tone and she gulped nodding her head at my words .

Good girl , now drink this juice .

I handed her juice . She looked at me confused .

Why are you being suddenly nice to me ? Why did you help me ? Why are you concerned about my Health?

When she asked those questions I didn't know what to say because I myself don't have answers on why am I so worried for her .

I - its j-just

Y/n PoV :

I saw him getting nervous by my questions and stuttering with his words . He never stutters . It's very rare . And when he does he looks so cute .

I whispered cute under my breath but he heard it . As soon as that word left my mouth his head snapped towards me . His eyebrows got knitted together .

What ?

He asked .

Huh? Nothing . Anyways thank you for helping me .

I said and he gave me a warm smile . I was shocked seeing his smile . I m not dreaming right . It's the first time he gave me a sweet smile and wow , that's so awesome . His smile is so awesome . I felt different kinds of feelings arising inside me .

He has the prettiest and the cutest gummy smile .

Next day at school :

Yoongi PoV :

The class started and the teacher gave us our assignment . It was for our finals . She said that the marks will be added in our final exams and we should be serious about it .

She gave us our choice to pair up in three .

Me , you and Hoseok let's pair up .

He said and I nodded my head as yes . Y/n was paired with others whom I didn't know .

After school ;

I was waiting for y/n outside the school with my friends . Then I saw her coming out talking to a boy . She was even laughing with him . Something burned inside me . I didn't like it . Didn't like it at all .

His name is jinyoung, he got paired up with y/n , an another nerd of the class .

Taehyung said noticing my expressions . I didn't like seeing them being so close and talkative so I just left there to my home alone .

Evening ;

I was waiting for y/n to arrive . She is already 10 min late . She is not the type to be late . I texted her . She replied that she won't be able to come until the project is finished .

Where are you ?

Sorry yoongi I forgot to tell you , I won't be able to come to your house until the project is done .

What ?

Yeah . I hope you will also do well in your project and score good marks because don't forget that the marks will be added in the finals .

Are you working alone ? Whom are you with?

She went offline . She is not replying me .

I throwed my phone on my bed and run my fingers through my hair .

Damn it .

What if she is with him ? What if something happens between them ?

I didn't like the idea of both of them being together .

I got curious and I couldn't sit silent so I went to her home .

Her mom opened the door and invited me in . She said y/n is in her room with her friends working on the project .

I made my way upstairs to her room but I heard different voices  . And then I heard a boy voice . They were all laughing .

Is it that boy jinyoung?

My blood boiled realising that they are in one room enjoying their time . She was laughing with other boy . She never laughed with me . She didn't come to my house just because to laugh like this with him ?

I know I m acting wrong but I can't help myself but  to get extremely jealous .

I didn't even meet her . I just went back to my home .

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