Tutoring Lessons [Hajime Aoyama x Nerdy!Reader]

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"(Y/N)! Baby, heh...I need your help with math.." Hajime laughed nervously, standing in the doorway that led to your bedroom while rocking back and forth on his heels. You sighed, tapping the empty chair that was next to you, placing a bookmark in your book, and putting your attention on to your best friend and boyfriend, Hajime Aoyama.

"Ok, let me see the- Hajime! You didn't even try!" You cried, flipping the page over to see no work or erased answers on the page.

"I did! I did it on a different page," he slammed down some pages of binder paper, full of answers, scribbles, and small math problems on the sides. "See? Just don't look at this one." He grabbed one that was just a doodle page since he doodles whenever he's going to work. You smiled slightly, looking through his work that was on the pages.

"You had some of them right." You smiled, circling the correct answers with a green pen. He smirked, running his hand through his fluffy black hair.

"Well, yeah I am- what?!" He yelled in shock, looking over at the paper that was on the desk. Three correct answers on the front and one on the back. A total of four out of fifteen. You laughed, hitting your desk with your hand. He grumbled, putting the paper down and tackling you into a hug, pulling you by your waist and onto his lap.

"Your luck you're cute! Otherwise, you'd be dead meat!" He smirked, putting his hands around your neck, and started fake choking you. You laughed, putting your hands on his and letting your legs straddle him. He smiled, quickly kissing your lips. You kissed him back, getting up and sitting back in your chair.

"We need to focus." You giggled, fixing your hair and handing him a pencil while you got an (f/c) pen to help him with his work.

"Focus. Alright. Focus is my middle name." He joked, grabbing the pencil and spinning it in his hands.

"Not it's not."

"Yes, it is! You can ask my mom when you visit."

You sighed, tapping the paper with your pen which made him start reading the problem.


"Does that make sense?" You asked, for what it felt like the 100,000th time, drawing a circle around the 0.1 and drew an arrow to the answer that Hajime got with the help of you.

"Just to clarify...you multiply 14.111, 28.1, and 10 to get 3,965.191. Then subtract by 14.111. And finally, divide 3,951.08 by 0.1 to get 39,510.8?" He asked, pointing at the steps as he spoke. You sighed in relief, letting your head hit the desk.

"Finally! We've been at the problem for about..an hour," You laughed, pointed at your alarm clock that showed; 5:30. You both started around 4:30 and you were tired of explaining the same thing over and over to him. No wonder why his grades are terrible. He laughed nervously, pulling out a different page of homework.

"You're kidding me! Science homework?" You cried, snatching the packet from his hands and flipping through the pages, sees that some of the problems were filled in and correct. He put his head on his hand, leaning on the desk and letting out a loving sigh.

"When's this due?" You asked, doing a few of the problems that would take forever to tell him how to do.

"You're so beautiful..," he muttered, clearly not paying attention whatsoever. You blushed slightly, asking the same question again. "How am I so lucky to have you? I don't deserve you..." you groaned, rubbing your temples with your fingers. It was cute and all, but you needed to know when this was due so he can turn this in. You flicked his forehead, making him yelp, and put a hand on his forehead. You slid the packet over to him, tapping the paper with your finger and using your pen to move his face to face you. He blushed slightly, darting his eyes around the room and rubbing his hands on his jeans.

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