Road Trip [Leo Kakinoki x Reader]

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(So, I'm going to move and where I'm going gets super hot so I was inspired to write this (for some unknown reason) but you can be in Texas, Idaho, Florida or whatever so have fun with that!)

"Are we there yet?" Keiichiro whined, looking up from his iPad and over to his dad, who was in the drivers seat. Satsuki sighed, looking next to her and glaring at her brother.

"We still have like...five hours, Keiichiro!" Satsuki groaned, looking at the GPS and seeing that they still have five hours and forty-two minutes until they arrive to their destination. Ms. Aoyama smiled, looking over at the three kids that were in the back.

"You kids ready to meet (Y/N)?" She smiled, seeing the huge smiles on the two teens faces.

"Hell yeah! Dude we've been friends for 5 years and we're finally meeting for the first time!" Hajime smiled, looking at his mom then at Satsuki. She nodded, totally agreeing with Hajime for what it felt like the first time.

"Yeah, we've all wanted to meet her. It was just hard to since she lives in (state)." Satsuki explained, making the parents nod in agreement. "I wonder how Leo and Momoko are doing in the other car.." Both Hajime and Satsuki turned around in their seats, seeing Mr. Kakinoki's car not to far behind.

"Momoko. I swear if you say 'oh you poor little Jew boy! You should do blah blah blah!' I'll loose it!" He mumbled, imitating Momoko then glaring at her.

"Huh? What are you talking about. And I do not sound like that!" She gasped, looking up from her book and at the Jew boy who was to her right.

"Oh, sure!"

"I'm serious!"

"Dad, pull over! I want to go with Hajime and Satsuki so Momoko can talk to her 'Christian Soldier.'"

"Alright kids, we're here!" Ms. Aoyama beamed, opening her door and stepping out, feeling the heat make contact with her skin after being stuck in a car for hours as well as a plane.

"Ugh! It's so hot!" Satsuki groaned, taking off her jacket and tossing it in the car. Hajime nodded, grabbing his backpack and tossing it over his shoulder. "Oh, Leo, are you ready to meet your girlfriend?" She teased, running around the car and jumping onto him, making him yelp in surprise.

"W-Wha? She's not my girlfriend!" He stuttered, crossing his arms once Satsuki got off of him. "We're just two ghost nerds that love to chitchat about supernaturals!" Leo had a smug look on his face as he pushed up his glasses slightly, which made them go white with a little 'bling' at the end, making the group watch him with a deadpanned expression.

"What?! Is there something on my face?!" Leo cried, touching his face a little bit after his glasses went back to normal.

You stood up from your seat, making your grandmother smile softly, watching you look around a bush that was in front of you. "Leo? Is that you?!" You beamed, seeing the group by the cars. You ran back inside to put some sandals on. The group looked over to where the voice came from and saw your grandma, who waved at the group.

"Ah! She's an old lady!" Leo cried, grabbing onto Hajime, who also grabbed onto him. Due to Leo's screaming, Keiichiro bursted down into tears and sobbed loud and violently. "We got catfished!"

"I wanna go home!" Hajime yelled, looking at her with wide eyes. You ran back out, running over to the gate and colliding into it.

"Are you ok?" Satsuki laughed, running over to you and opening the gate, engulfing you into a hug.

"Yeah I'm fine, I sometimes forget that we have a gate." You smiled, hugging her back while the two of you rocked back and forth slightly. "Oh my god! You're actually here!" Momoko smiled, walking over to the two of you and pulling you into a hug as well, once you let go of Satsuki.

"Hi Momoko!" You chuckled, giving her a small squeeze before feeling Keiichiro grab onto your leg. "Hey Keii. There's some apple juice boxes in the fridge."

"Really? Thank you!" He gasped, running to the back door, slipping off his shoes then going into the house.

"(Y/N)! You look amazing!" Hajime smirked, letting go of Leo and walking over to you with wide arms. You laughed slightly, blush coating your cheeks as you hugged him once he was over to you girls.

"Hey (Y/N).." Leo smiled slightly, rubbing the back of his neck. You chuckled, running over to him and tackling him into a hug.

"I can't believe you guys are here!" You smiled, pulling away from the hug and looking at the group. "Come on!"

"Do you know how to drive this thing?!" Leo screamed, holding onto the metal bar of the golf cart with his free hand while his other hand was holding onto the seat.

"No! I don't-" you beamed, looking over at leo before Satsuki let out a terrified scream, pointing in between Leo and you. "CAR!" You sharply turned the wheel to the right, making everyone lean towards the left.

"Are you trying to kill us!" Hajime gasped, putting his hands on your shoulders. "Don't forget Momoko and Keiichirou are not even seeing what's going on!"

"Sorry guys!" You chuckled nervously, slamming down on the breaks. "Sorry again! Come on!" You quickly jumped out of the cart, running over to a huge play structure.

"Whoa!" Keiichirou gasped, chasing after you with the other not to far behind.

"How are the kids doing?" Ms. Aoyama asked, holding a cup of tea in her hands, follows your mom into the room that you guys were staying in.

"They are passed out, they didn't even change into their pajamas." She chucked, opening the door slightly so she could see the six of you in a dog pile. "My dad has a huge party boat that we are going on later tomorrow. The kids will be super energetic for that." Ms. Aoyama let out a laugh, walking into the living room with your mom to her left.

"I'll say. I'm guessing we're going to eat what we catch?" She asked, taking a seat on the bar stool and placing her cup on the island.

"Depends on what we catch. My husband knows more than I do." Your mom chuckled, finishing up packing the snacks and drinks the the coolers and the bags. "I'm guessing we will eat what we catch."

"You not going to fish?" You asked, taking a seat next to Leo. He shook his head, taking off his hat then fixing his hair, placing his hat back on.

"I'm not a big fishing fan." He explained, making you nod. It went silent, besides the Elvis Presley playing in the back. You took a deep breath and turning your body towards Leo, him coping your actions.

"I like you!"

"I like you!"

You chuckled slightly, rubbing the back of your neck, snapping your finger with your free hand. "Jinx's. You own me a bottle of (f/d)."

"I thought it was 'you own me a kiss'." He asked, tapping his chin slightly. Red hue took over your cheeks, making you punch his arm.

"Shut up!"

"Ow! That hurt!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2021 ⏰

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