The Truth Dance?! [Momoko x F! Reader]

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(Requested by @sotrasaiki Keiichiro is in fifth grade btw)

"A dance?!" You cried, looking at Leo with wide eyes. "You're kidding."

"No, I'm not. Surprisingly it's at the old school house." He explained, waving his hand around slightly. "They still haven't fixed the gym."

"Oh! Speaking of the old school house!" Satsuki gasped, snapping her fingers in relation. "There's two new ghosts. I think their called..'The Truth Seeker' and 'Dance Dance Revolution' or something like it." You tilted your head to the left, looking at Satsuki.

"Go on.."

"So! 'The Truth Seeker' will say your deepest secret to the person it's about. So say I have a crush on you." She started, pointing at you which made you nod, showing her to continue. "The ghost will make me say that I like you if we are both in a certain location in the school.

"The 'Dance Dance Revolution' one makes you dance with that person. Both ghosts tie together. If one doesn't happen to you, then the other one won't happen as well." You nodded your head, making Hajime cough a name.

"*Cough* Momoko *Cough*" he fake coughed, making your cheeks turn pink as you glared at him.

"Well, that dance sounds fun! We should all go since we are the right grade." Momoko chimed in, a warm smile on her lips. "Isn't it only fifth through seventh?"

"Yeah, good thing we're in sixth grade. And you two are in seventh." Leo sighed, pointing at Satsuki, Hajime and himself before pointing at Momoko and you.

"Yeah. I'm guessing we need to go shopping?" You asked, looking at the group as they nodded in agreement. "Ok! Let's meet at the train station at four!"

Old classic music blasts throughout the mall, making some of the older people sing along to the songs. "Let's split up. Meet up at the food court!" You yelled over the loud music, making everyone nod and go into two groups of three.

"Nothing fancy, right?" Satsuki asked, walking into a clothing store.

"Of course. It's just some dumb dance." You laughed, walking over to the dresses with Momoko and Satsuki right behind you. "Oo! Momoko, this'll look good on you!"

You held up a light purple dress that faded into a light blue at the bottom. It has spaghetti straps and it was tight mid stomach up and loose mid stomach down.

"Oo! Good eye, (Y/N)." She beamed, taking the dress and folding it in her arms. Light blush coated on your cheeks, making you nod your head quickly before looking for a dress for you.

"(Y/N), you make your crush on her too obvious." Satsuki sighed, grabbing her dress and folding it in her arms. "You need to tell her."

"I can't! I'll freeze up and run off." You stated, grabbing two dresses and putting them against your body. Satsuki pointed at the second dress. It was (f/c) that faded into (s/f/c) which faded into (f/p). (favorite pattern) It was a off the shoulder dress and the sleeves stopped a little passed your elbows. It was also tight mid stomach and loose mid stomach down. "Besides, she's Christian! She probably only likes dick."

"Oh yeah...we'll, you could tell her at the dance. I heard some people are going to do that." Satsuki explained, looking around to see that the lavender-haired girl disappeared. "We lost her. Come on."

"Amanojaku! You're not helping!" You cried over the loud music, glancing at the black cat who was sitting on one of the bathroom sinks.

"Well, it's not my fault you're head over heels for her." The cat tease, scratching behind his ear then sitting up again. He let out a small 'tch' seeing your deadpanned expression as you had your arms crossed. "Just go tell her."

"What?! You're crazy." You gasped, pointing at the back cat and getting in his face slightly.

"Well, I am a ghost. Of course I'm crazy!"

You sighed, walking over to a different sink and looking yourself in the mirror, fixing your hair and dress before turning to Amanojaku. "How do I look?" You asked, a weak smile tugged at your lips slightly.

"Terrible." He spat, licking his paw and rubbing it against his head.

"Good enough. Come on." You sighed, holding him in your arms like he was a child. You walked into the gym, music blasted throughout the room, echoing slightly. "Do you know where the 'special place' is?"

"Nope. Not one clue. Even if I did I wouldn't tell ya!" He laughed, climbing into your little backpack that you left open for him. Letting out a sigh, you closed it slightly, leaving enough room for him to breath. Since you didn't want to be a cat killer.

"(Y/N)! There you are, I was looking for you!" Momoko called out, running over to you with a warm smile. The top part of her hair was tied up in a small bun, while the bottom part was curled slightly. She had light makeup; which was a purple and nude eyeshadow, false eyelashes and a nude lipstick with a gloss over it. And she was wearing the dress you picked out for her, "Don't drink the punch, I think someone spiked it."

"Thanks, I'll keep it in mind." You chuckled, tapping your forehead slightly. You suddenly got this weird feeling in your chest, but you shook it off and decided to ignore it.

As the dance went on, whenever you were with Momoko, you would always get this weird feeling in your chest whenever she was around. Her light lavender hair, her brown eyes that shined in the shitty gym lights, the way she- holy shit, Amanojaku was right. You ARE head over heels for her.

"(Y/N), are you alright? You're acting a bit strange." Momoko asked, placing a hand on your shoulder. You nodded your head, letting out a sigh which made Momoko raise a brow.

"Momoko, I like you!" You announced, covering your mouth with your right hand once you realize what you said. Momoko looked at you with wide eyes, dropping her hand from your shoulder. "I've liked you ever since we got partnered up in sixth grade!" You slapped your left hand on top of your right, tears pricked in the corners of your eyes.

"(Y/N)'re joking...right?" Momoko mumbled, laughing awkwardly. Shaking your head, her laughing stopped. "You like me..."

"Yeah..yeah, I do!" You chuckled, your voice cracking slightly. A small smile tugged at her lips, pulling you into a hug.

"I do too." She gushed, pulling away from the hug and putting her hands on your shoulders.


"Yes. Yes really!"

The both of you chuckled, blush covering your cheeks and the tips of your ears. You cleared your throat, gaining her attention before you put your hands out. "Care to dance?" You proposed, wiggling your eyebrows slightly. She let out a small giggle, quickly placing her lips onto yours before taking her hands into yours.

"Of course, dear."

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