Confession During Vacation[Hajime Aoyama x Reader]

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"What is taking them so long?" You mumbled, looking out the window of your parent's cabin. You and the others decided to have a small vacation at the (L/N) cabin. The only people that were there were your parents, Satsuki, Keiichorio, and Momoko, meaning Leo and Hajime were not there yet.

"Listen (Y/N), you need to stop worrying about those nitwit's and practice your confession with me!" Satsuki beamed, crossing her arms, and watched you walk away from the window.

"Or turn to the Lord Jesus." Momoko added on with a small smile, having her hands in front of her. You smiled awkwardly at Momoko, declining the offer the best you could then declined Satsuki's offer as well.

"Huh?! Why not? I'm like, your sister and sisters help each other." She cried, shaking your shoulders. She stopped when there was a knock at the door with a muffled, 'I'm here!'. You went and opened the door, revealing the brains of the group, Leo Kakinoki.

"Hey, Leo! Glad you could make it, have you heard anything from Hajime? He hasn't responded to me." You smiled, moving out the way and helping Leo with one of his bags, which was a huge mistake since it was one of the heaviest things ever. Probably books about supernaturals and stuff like that, you thought, moving the bag out of the way so no one tripped over it. Hajime probably would, since he tripped like....twenty times in the old schoolhouse.

"Thanks for inviting us here, as thanks I brought s'mores," He smiled, handing you a container full of graham crackers, different types of chocolate, and two bags of marshmallows. You took the container, looking in it as he continued. "But to answer your question, Hajime is going to be a bit late since he needed to get some things before he left, yeah."

"Well, that blows! Well, I guess we'll have to wait." Satsuki mumbled, looking out the window and watching Mrs. Kakinoki drive off. You sighed, nodding your head and giving a small 'thanks' to Leo and making your way to the kitchen to put the stuff away. Everyone in the group, beside Hajime, knew you had a crush on him so they wanted to help you with the confession.

"Satsuki..don't tell (Y/N) but...." Leo mumbled the rest, pulling her away from the others so they didn't hear.

"What?! Are you sure?" She gasped, looking at Leo then out the window. He nodded, putting a finger on his lips indicating that she can't say it to anyone. She sighed, nodding her head and going to help you in the kitchen.


There was a knock a the door, announcing that the last person was here. You put down your cup of (f/d) and your plate of curry and rice on the table and ran to the door, making your parents laugh at your behavior.

"He's here?" Satsuki asked, seeing you at the door. You nodded your head with a smile, making the reddish-brown-haired girl smile and mouthing 'good luck!', then going to make her plate.

"Hajime's here." Satsuki whispered to the group as she made her plate.

"Finally I'm not the only guy here, sorry Keiichorio." Leo mumbled, pouring his drink into his cup, looking over at the little boy.

"It's alright!" Keiichorio smiled, speaking gibberish at the end which made the group sweatdrop.

"I hope he doesn't do anything to (Y/N) that would make him go to hell."

"Hajime! I'm glad you were able to come." You smiled, opening the door to see the only and only, Hajime Aoyama. He smirked, running a hand through his hair then placed an arm around your waist.

"The one and only, baby. Sorry, I'm late, I had to help my mom with something." He teased, pulling your body closer and pointing to his mother quickly.

"Thank you for letting me come along. I hope my help won't be a problem." She smiled softly, bowing slightly. You pushed Hajime inside, giving her a soft smile.

"Yeah anytime! My parents will enjoy your help, please come it. Dinner is ready if you are." You requested, moving out the way for her. She walked in, walking over to the parents and starting up a conversation. Once your friends got their food and drinks, you all went upstairs to the room you all were going to stay in.

"It's a bit small, but I think we'll make it work." You laughed nervously, sitting down and placing your dinner on the floor while the other followed your actions and saying how cute the room is.

"Does the tv work?" Keiichorio asked, pointing over at the tv. You nodded, grabbing the remote and putting on a movie you all voted on, all but Momoko who kept asking to watch a Christian movie. You signed, leaning into the pillow that you shared with Hajime. The movie that you all decide to watch was (f/m). As the movie started, you felt Hajime put an arm around you and leaning his head on your shoulder, taking a bite of the curry and rice.


You smiled, looking out the window and seeing the beautiful dark-blue almost black sky that was filled with stars. The others were downstairs, helping your dad to get the fireplace ready for the s'mores and you took the time to have some alone time and to get ready for your confession. You gasped, turning around and looked at the door. You smiled, seeing that it was only Hajime.

"May I join you?" He asked, walking in and closing the door. Surprisingly, he wasn't flirty or anything like that which was a bit of a shocker to you.

"Yeah, sure I don't mind." You whispered, feeling the bench shift on the right side of you. You sighed, taking a deep breath, and looked over at Hajime, moving your body to face him.

"Hajime, I was going to save this for during the fire, but...I think this will be a better time." you started, fiddling with your hands. He glanced over at you, a confused expression painted his face.

"What's up?"

"Well...the truth is, I like you. A lot to be honest, and I was wondering if you felt the same way." You sighed, covering your mouth and looking out the window again. A small laugh poured out from the boy, wrapping an arm around your waist and pecking your forehead.

"Well, finally! I've been hinting at it for the past...four years?" He laughed, leaning his forehead on yours. You laughed slightly, rolling your eyes and giving him a small smirk.

"Four years? So when we were ten?"

"Yes! Ask Leo, he knows."

You giggled, feeling Hajime intertwining his hand with yours. He got up, making you follow along since the two of you were holding hands. Once he got to the railing, he saw that your dad wasn't here, guessing that he needed more firewood from the store that's about thirty minutes away from here.

"Everyone met my new girlfriend!" He beamed, letting go of your hand and wrapping an arm around your waist once again. Both moms were freaking out and trying to calm each other down.

"I don't like you Hajime, but...I'm happy for the two of you. Just don't hurt her! And stop saying gibberish, Keiichorio!"

"Congrats, my friend."

"Just don't do anything that would send the two of you to hell."

You blushed slightly, playfully pushing him off you and going down the stairs. Once you got down the stairs, Satsuki tackled you into a hug and you immediately hugged her back.

"I back-what happen?" Your father asked, closing the door and walking over to the fireplace.

"Nothing!" Your friends and you replied, not daring to say anything about Hajime and you. Your father nodded, tossing some more firewood in and starting the fire.

"I'll get the s'mores!" You called, running into the kitchen to grab the ingredients.

"I'll help you, (Y/N)." Hajime smiled, following you into the kitchen. Once the two of you were out of sight, he pecked for cheek, earning a small chuckle from you.

"I think we are going to have a fun time during this vacation with the group."

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