Winning Your Heart [Leo Kakinoki x Violinist! Reader] Part 1?

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"Oh crap! (Y/N) has a competition today and I forgot!" Leo cried, looking at his watch, seeing that the competition starts in five minutes. If he started his way to the hall, he'd be about ten minutes late but it's better than missing your performance. He quickly put his books and supplies into his backpack, zipping it and tossing it over his shoulders. Momoko let out a sigh, saying something about Jewish people always forget things.

"Should we come along?" Hajime asked, putting his backpack on and looking at his best friend. The rest of the group followed Hajime's actions and went to put their backpacks on.

"Sure, let's go before we're late, yeah." Leo stated, looking at his friends and running out of the classroom with the others hot on his heels.

"What is (Y/N) performing?" Satsuki asked, glancing over to Leo with a small 'yeah!' coming from Keiichoriou. Hajime groaned, opening his mouth to answer but Momoko beat him to it.

"She's a violinist so she's going to play the violin!" She smiled, moving some of her lavender hair out of her face. Hajime slowly nodded his head, showing that he understood but in reality, he didn't understand.

"Exactly, and we are going to be late if we don't hurry up, yeah!" Leo warned, looking at his watch then putting his eyes foreword.


"We made it!" Hajime groaned, leaning on the wall that was right next to the door of the room that you were going to perform in. The others, all but Leo, collapsed next to Hajime. Leo sighed, looking through the packet that had everyone's names and what time they'll perform.

"She's up next. We should get going." He stated, walking in with the tired friends slowly behind. Once they were seated, Leo passed the packet to the others so they can get an idea of the order.


"These stupid clear straps.." You sighed, placing down your violin and fixing your (f/c) dress. It stopped about halfway on your calf's in the front and touched the floor in the back.

"(Y/N), your up!" One of the staff members called, looking over at you and walking away. You sighed, grabbing your violin and walking to the stage. Some of the other contestants wished you good luck or gave you a thumbs up.

Next up, (Y/N) (L/N). She's doing N. Paganini Caprice no. 5 on the violin.

As you walked to the center of the stage, you spotted Leo giving you the 'I love you' sign in sign language. You smiled, giving him a warm smile and getting into position to play. (play the video!) The audience stared at you in shock, letting the sound echo through the high-ceiling room.

"Whoa, she's good," Hajime whispered, not wanting to take his eyes off you in case you do something crazy and he misses it. "Like...really good. Also, she looks sexy in that dress, not going to lie."

"She's awesome!" Keiichirou beamed, leaning forward in his seat with stars in his eyes. Leo watched you in shock, his mouth slightly open with wide eyes. He could hear you put everything into that piece and he was surprised that you were this good.

"Indeed, she's quite talented." Momoko smiled, keeping her hands in her lap. Leo let out a small gasp, feeling Hajime elbow his side.

"Pick your jaw off the floor, dude. Is this the first time you heard her play?" Hajime joked, letting out a soft laugh while he covered his mouth. Leo shook his head, mumbling a small 'no, this is the first time..'

"What? This is the first time you heard her play the violin?" Satsuki whispered-shouted to the boy, lightly hitting the back of his head. He let out a small yelp, covering his mouth so he wouldn't get scolded.

"Well, yeah. She wanted to it be a surprise so she didn't play the violin when I was around, yeah," He mumbled, looking over at you since he heard you change tempo during the small argument. "She's playing too fast. Is she getting nervous?"

"She's not. That's how you are supposed to play it," a male muttered from behind, leaning towards the group and acting like he was playing the violin. "It's a fast song, about two minutes but it's very powerful." the group nodded, continuing to watch you play.

'Alright! You're about halfway through this song, you'll be fine.' you thought, smiling softly and closing your eyes. You quickly moved your fingers on the strings, making different notes when the bow ran over the strings. You held your breath slightly, feeling beads of sweat slowly run down your face and some of your hair sticking to the back of your neck.

You looked over to where your friends were, seeing that they were talking to your instructor or Sensei, Minato. You smiled, letting go of that breath and putting your attention back onto your violin. 'You'll be fine! Your Sensei is giving a helping hand to your friends! You're almost done, (Y/N)..'

"She's got strong arms and fast fingers, which is perfect for this piece." The male, who greeted himself as Minato smiled, letting his arms rest on Keiichoriou's seat.

"I can tell, this piece looks hard." Satsuki mumbled, moving her bangs out of her face. Keiichoriou nodded, mumbling some gibberish which Momoko let out a sigh at.

"Heh...that's what she said," Hajime giggled, lightly punching Satsuki's shoulder. She groaned, swatting his hand away and sending him a glare. "Alright shutting up." Minato chuckled, looking at the two teenage boys before letting out a small cough.

"Who's her boyfriend," He asked, continuing to look at the two teenagers. Leo raised his hand slightly, looking over at the jet-black-haired male. "Help her carry her school bag and violin case, will ya? Her arms get sore for a bit."

"Yeah, sure I don't mind." He smiled, looking back at you. The whole time he was watching you, he had a love-struck smile on his face, making Hajime pick on the poor boy. Minato let out a sigh, looking over to your figure.

"Come on, (Y/N). You can do it." Minato whispered, quietly cheering you on. Making the rest of the group quietly cheer for you. The whole time, Leo was holding his breath, worried that you'd mess up or when you finished, the audience wouldn't cheer for you or something like that.

"Come on!" Satsuki mumbled, leaning forward in the chair and closes her eyes.

"You are almost there..." Hajime whispered, slightly clinging onto Leo and shaking him slightly.

"You can do it!" Keiichrrio cheered a bit too loud, making the people around them shush him before going back to watch your performance.

'Come on, darling..come on...' Leo thought, trying to pry the perverted boy off him without causing a disturbance, which happened anyway. As you finished, the crowd didn't make a noise. The judges wrote down their score that they gave you, murmuring among themselves to see what the others had to say about your performance.

"Good job, (Y/N)! Yeah!" Leo cheered, getting up and clapping as loud as he could with the rest of the audience cheering and clapping as well. You smiled, going a quick 'I Love you' sigh before bowing, walking off the stage with both bow and violin in hand.

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