Your Three Kinds of Stupid (Fred Weasley love story)

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As I woke up I looked out the window. The sun was just begging to rise over the horizon, making the sky a pale pink color. Then I smelt breakfast. I should have known Mrs. Weasley would be up already. By now Mr. Weasley is probably getting ready for work. Time to get up. Slowly trying not to wake up Fred and George, I got up. Placing my feet onto the floor, they stung from the cold, but I still stood up. Walking across the room, the floor would creak every now and then. 

Eventually I made my way to the stairs. One by one I walked down them until I came to the bottom where I saw Mrs. Weasley.  Trying not to scare her, I got off the last step with a loud “thump!” noise. She must have heard me since she turned and smiled at the sight of me.

“Oh Alex! Good thing your up. I need help with breakfast. Everyone will be hungry. Can you get me some milk and eggs from the fridge?”

“Sure,” I said as I walked over to the fridge. Oh! By the way, I’m Alexandra Anderson. A normal witch. Born into a great family that he-who-must-not-be-named killed. Now I live with the Weasleys. Mostly because of the fact that me and Fred are a couple. But no one knows. 

Opening the fridge door, I leaned down and peered inside. The eggs were in a bowl on the top shelf, and the milk was on the bottom. Grabbing the eggs first, I leaned back up and placed them onto the counter. As soon as I set them down, the bowl slid across the counter over to Mrs. Weasley. Then I leaned back down and grabbed then milk, and put that on the counter. After that slid down to her, I shut the door. 

“Thank you sweetheart.” she said. 

“No problem. You need anything else?”

“Actually, yes. Can you please go wake up everyone? Fred and George and Ron can never wake up easily so I would start with them.”

“Okay,” I said as I began to head for the stairs again. As I escaladed them, I heard the snoring coming from Ron’s room. Ginny sounded as if she was up already trying to get him up.  Since she got Ron covered, I went straight back to my room. 

When I walked inside, Fred was spread out on his bed, while George was hanging off his. I gave a giggle then I walked over to George and bent down. 

“George Weasley! You are hear by expelled from Hogwarts witchcraft and wizardry!” I yelled. With that he yelled and fell off his bed.

“No! I did nothing wrong! I swear!” he yelled. I broke out laughing and fell to the floor. 

“Oh my god George!” I laughed.

“Alex?! You did that? Why you little!” He said as he tackled me. I laughed even harder as I struggled to get free. Then Fred moaned. “Shhh!” I said. Then I crawled over to Fred.

“Fred Weasley, you are the most self centered heartless cold blooded monster on the face of the planet! We’re over!” I whispered into his ear.

“No……….. Alex……………..” He said back. George giggled in the back round and crawled up next to me. 

“Fred she’s gone. She’s mine now.” George said.

“What?!” Fred yelled as he shot up in his bed. When he did that me and George broke out laughing. 

“Alex? George?” he asked sleepily. 

“Yep, got you good didn’t we?” George said. Fred nodded. “Sure did,”

When I was sure they were both up, I left the room and headed back downstairs.

“Alex wait,” I heard Fred call after me. Stopping on the steps, I turned around and saw him climbing down them after me. “Yeah Fred?” I asked.

“Y-You don’t really like George do you?” he asked clearly serious.

“No Fred. I LOVE him.” I said sarcastically. 

“Okay. It’s just that I would freak out if you liked my twin brother over me.”

“Me and George are like brothers and you know that.”

“I know but I just wonder if it’s ever more than that.”

“Well its not.” I then leaned forward and kissed him. He shut up and kissed back. 

“Ginny!” I heard Mrs. Weasley call. I pulled away when I heard Ginny running down the steps. 

As she passed me and Fred she didn’t make eye contact.  When she was long gone I turned back and looked at him. 

“See? I love you Fred Weasley and not your funny brother.”

“Yeah, and I love you Alexandra Anderson and not some lame other girl.”

I laughed once then grabbed his hand. “C’mon. Your mum has breakfast ready.” 

He nodded then led the way downstairs.

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