chapter 3

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“Hey! Alex! Wake up. Alexandra!”

Slowly I squinted my eyes and saw that we were still inside the train cart but were now surrounded by many students. Blinking a couple of times, I was now fully awake. “Hey she’s awake!” one of the kids yelled. I was still on my seat but my neck felt stiff and I was guessing I was leaning on it. As I leaned forward I stared at the people around me. Emma, George, Fred, Ron, Harry, Hermione, and I even saw Ginny there. 

“ Nice to see you up.” Ron said. I smiled then fixed my position. “Good thing you woke up now to. Were at Hogwarts.”  Harry put it. With the news that we were back at school lightened up my day. I quickly jumped to my feet and smiled even wider. “Well then what are we doing here?!” I said happily. 

“Yep, I say she’s okay.” Hermione said. I looked at her and gave a nod. “You bet.”

Getting off the train, I looked around and wondered how we were going to get to school this time. Horses? Gryffins? Boats? Any of these things. But then I spotted it. The things tjat would bring us to school. Brooms! I laughed and then ran toward them. They were already floating in the air and were ready to go. I quickly grabbed one and hopped on it. I saw Harry run up to a grab one. “This is so cool.” he said.

“You don’t even know the feeling I’m having right now Harry.” with those last words I started to float.

“C’mon seeker. Let’s see what you’ve got.”

“Wait for us!” I heard Emma and George yell. But where was Fred? 

“Ah, Alex I see your excited to be on a broom again!” As I heard that Fred appeared next to me.

“Yep, and I’m going to show Harry here how to properly ride one to.”

“Well see about that!” Harry taunted. He then quickly got on his and jumped into the air. Zooming off ahead of me. 

“Hey!” I yelled after him. I then turned and sped off after him. Zooming past Fred and everyone else I caught up to Harry. Keeping pace with him I looked over at him. “Now, now, now Harry how are you going to win any games with the speed your going at?” I said as I quickened up. Now we were going over the lake that surrounded Hogwarts. No one can catch up to me now! I laughed and then flew downward so I was almost touching the water. Emma was screaming behind everyone. She never liked brooms. Ever since her first lesson. I remember when she took off she almost broke into Dombeldoors window. But that’s a different story. Sadly now the shore was just ahead of us. I sighed and then flew back up and looked back to see Harry almost catching up to me. So to finish it off I sped up and landed on the shore. Harry landing next to me. 

“Whoa. Nice job there Anderson.” Harry said.

“Back at you Potter.”

I then waited for everyone to get to the shore as well. Emma was next to land with George just behind her. But something seemed off as soon as she landed. When she did she came bounding over to me. “Alex! I have to tell you something.” I whispered. Quickly I ran over to her and leaned in. “What?”

“Fred and Jennifer were flirting.”

“Define “flirting”.”

“She was with him and he was ignoring her but she kept at it.”

“Where are they?”

“Poor girl fell into the lake. Teachers are going to have to fish her out.”

“Hahaha!” I laughed. that’s what she gets for flirting. Just as I stopped laughing Fred showed up. I quickly ran over to him and saw Jennifer just behind him. Take this you little…..

“Fred! I was so scared I thought you fell into the lake!” I said as I wrapped my arms around him.

“Me? No! That was Jennifer. Plus why would someone who’s on the Quidditch team fall of their broom?”

“I don’t know. But I’m just glad your okay.”

“Oh Fred can you help me please? I think I landed into the water on my arm.” Jennifer called ruining the moment.

Oh hell to the no!

“Ummm Jennifer, it’s your arm not your leg so you can manage plus Fred need to help me with something. Right Fred?”

“Uh, yea! Completely forgot. Sorry Jen.” he said as he began to walk away.

I followed and grabbed his hand. When we were farther up the beach, Fred and me began to talk.

“Sorry bout’ that. She’s had a crush on me for a while.”

“Well so have I. And she’s a tramp. She’s dated most of the sixth years you know.”

“Yeah. I no. well she would never match up to you.”

“And no one would ever be as great as you.”

“Hey tonight at three meet me in the common room okay?”

“For???” I asked starting to blush.

“Well if we can’t be alone during the day I guess we’ll have to settle for the night time.”

“Kay. I get you now. But tomorrow after class do you want to go to Hogsmeade? I hear that Honeydukes got a new line of candy.”


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