Chapter five: Quiddittch!

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Suddenly out of no where I woke up.  Looking over at my clock I saw that it was three. Slowly I got up and walked over to the door. I opened it slowly making sure not to awake anyone and slipped out. Then one, by one I climbed down the stone steps down to the common room where I hoped Fred would be waiting. As I saw the light from the fire place light up some of the steps, I didn’t hear anyone else down there. Fred wasn’t there. Making my way to the bottom I was right. He wasn’t there. I sighed, wondereding if he was the one who forgot rather than me. Instead of going back to bed like a normal person would, I walked around and found the daily prophet on the table. I grabbed it and sat down on one of the armchairs. Opening it up I read about something rather odd. Serius Black sightings have increased. No surprise there. There was a little story about how an eye wittness saw him too.....

Famous reporter Franicius Boldersnatch has been going around Diagon Alley trying to find out more about the mysterious sightings of the mass murder Serius Black. The criminal had gotten out of Azkaband Prison almost four months ago now. But the sightings have increased. But the real question is if these so called “sightings“ are real or just a prank. Fran says that “No one knows where he is, but he’s out there.”  Along with her looking, she’s also been interviewing people about the sightings. “I saw him alright. He was about my husband’s height. And he had red eyes. As if he was after something.” an eye witness says. But this women had been proven to have made up her sighting.  But some people’s claims have been more convincing. One women who would much rather not have her identity known, had actually seen the wizard. He was seen down one of the roads on Diagon Alley.  As the women and her three young children were walking from shop to shop, the eldest child of the three said that he had seen someone following them. And as she turned around she saw a black figure with curly hair and even drew a desciption (below) and soon said that she didn’t even know who Serius Black was because she is in fact a muggle.

I stopped reading after that. Rubbish. That’s all it is. 

“Alex!” I heard someone whisper. I jumped and fell off the chair onto the floor.

“Owwww,” I whimpered. I then felt hands under my arms pulling me to my feet.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” I soon realized that it was Fred. I got to my feet and turned to face him. “Yea, well let’s hope no one wakes up.”

“No one’s going to wake up. I charmed both dorms so that no one will see or hear us.”

“Fred your brilliant!” I said. Man I soooo wanna kiss him!

“Alex…… you do no I  love you right?”

“Course. And you know I love you more than anyone right?”

“Yep.”  he said. Then he closed his eyes and bent down at me. I closed my eyes to and felt as our lips met. I felt and he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his embrace.  (Skip..... im sorry i like romance, but im not gonna b a pervert)

“Oi, Alex wake up.” I heard Fred’s soft voice in my ear. I moaned and opened my eyes slowly. “It’s five. We fell asleep.” he told me. We fell asleep! Wow that’s a first. Wait it’s five? “Quidditch!” I yelled. Fred’s eyes widened and we both gasped and I practially fell off the couch. Getting to my feet, I ran upstairs and into the dorm. As I entered, I pulled out my wand and spun it over my head, “Thrudious!” I said. Then suddenly my old clothes were replaced by my Quidditch clothes. Once I was ready, I left the dorm and ran back down stairs. I ran through the common room and down the Great Stairs and though the halls until I was at the meeting place for Gryffindor’s Quidditch players. Fred was already there by the time I arrived.   “Nice of you to join us Alex.” Oliver said. Oliver is the keeper for the team and ergo he was the captain. “Okay now that everyone’s here, Alex, your broom is that fastest at this point so I need you to be warily of Slytherin’s players. Now as a catcher you can back up Angeline.”  “Okay but wouldn’t you want me to focus more on getting the Quaffle?” 

“No. I just want you to protect her because she seems to have really quick reflexes.” I didn’t see the point behind this plan but I just nodded so I wouldn’t have to think. Oliver ran through the rest of the plans and finally it was time for the game.

(the game starts at seven o'clock, and in case ur confused, she didnt get to the meeting like about six.)

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