Chapter Four: Go To Sleep Alexandra Anderson!

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When we got into the castle, we went straight to the Great Hall to eat. My stomach was growling and I couldn’t wait to dig into a feast of all different kinds of food. I took my seat next to Ron and Fred. Jennifer who was in Hufflepuff was glaring at us the whole time. “Bit of a stalker isn’t she?” I asked everyone. They all widened their eyes and lifted their eyebrows as they nodded. “I hear she was flirting with you Fred,” Hermione said. Fred nodded then put his arm around me. “But do you think she could compare to my girl?” he said loud enough for her to hear. 

Closing my eyes I laid my head against his chest and began to talk with everyone about their holiday. Harry had gone back to his horrible family, while Hermione went home and took a vacation to the mountains and did some skiing. Ron was talking to them how many gifts we got this year. And how he found this one gift with no name on it that had a mini dragon in it. Well really I bought it from Charlie. He paid for the shipping and everything and said that this type doesn’t breath fire or grow any bigger so I gave it to Ron for Christmas but I didn’t want to make him thank me. I don’t know why but I hate "thank you’s". They make you feel awkward and uncomfortable. Then there was Ginny who was telling Hermione how she had gotten the cutest clothes from Mrs.Weasley and Hermione was saying that she couldn’t wait to see them and that Ginny must let her borrow them. Basic girly talk. Emma was chit-chatting too. She was talking to a new first year named Christina about her holiday with her family. Appearently they went to America and went to a big city called “New York”. It was a funny name and reminded me of a clothing brand or something. Fred seemed quiet though. I looked up at him and saw that he was looking down at me.

“What?” I asked.

“Nothing. It’s just that….. Your so cute.”

“Awww. Thanks. Well your adorable. And don’t you want to talk to people?”

“Nah... What about you?"

“I would but I’m tired and hungry. Plus I would much rather be with you than anyone else.”

“Haha I wish that were true for me. I love you but George is my twin so that makes us closer than anything else.”

“Yeah I understand.”

“You talking about me?” George said as he leaned across the table. 

“Yeah we were. But thanks for eavesdroping. And if you must know, we were saying how close you and Fred are.” I said to him. He nodded then sat back down.

He was about to speak when a loud banging on glass interrupted him.

“Ahem! Your attention please” Professor McGonagall yelled over the many talking students. Quickly enough though, they all quieted down. I turned to the front and so did everyone else. Professor Dumbledore was standing up and was walking up to a podium. It was an owl book shelf like thing. And as he walked up to it, everyone looked at him wonder what he would say. Would he mention the dementors? Or that I fought them off?

“It’s great to see all of you again. I do hope all of you had a happy holiday. Now I must say something before we all being to eat.”

“Great he’s gonna say it…..” I said under my breath.

“I have heard that we had some trouble on the train yet again. Dementors have been disturbing us for a while now and have attacked a student. Alexandra Anderson however fought them off. ” as soon as he said that everyone started to yell. I heard Slytherin students being to complain. 

“She did nothing I couldn’t have done!”

“She’s nothing special either!”

But at the saw time everyone around me began to chant “Alex! Alex! Alex!” I smiled and felt my cheeks grow hot. Looking around Huffelpuff and Ravenclaw were chanting to. 

“Silence!!” Dumbledore said. As the chanting died down, he raised his hands. 

“Now that that’s out of the way, let the feast begin!”

As he said that food appeared on the table. At the sight of food I quickly got off Fred’s chest and picked up my fork and dug into my food. I ate mashed potatoes, chicken, and some vegetables. 

After we ate, we went back to the common room and went to bed. I walked up the stairs next to Emma and went into the girl dormitory. 

“Don’t forget!” Fred whispered into my ear just before I went inside. Without turning to face him I nodded and shut the door. Every girl was already in their beds and were talking their heads off. 

“Alex!!!” they all yelled at the sight of me. I jumped at the level of excitement they showed, quickly ran for my bed, and jumped onto it dugging my into the mattress.

“Did you really defeat a dementor?!”

“I doubt it. Not even prisioners can stop a dementor."

“Yes she did! Now shut up! She’s tired as hell and she needs to go to class tomorrow. I don’t know about you people but I want to actually go to bed so keep it down.” I hear Emma yell. Without even changing I got under the covers of my bed and snuggled into it. It felt weird not having Fred here……….. Crap! I forgot to meet him to! Looking at my clock it was ten thirty. Okay, so if I go to bed now, I might just be able to get enough sleep for school tomorrow. My wand was still in my pocket so I reached down and pulled it out and held it up to my head. “Three o’clock is the time I'll get up.” I said holding my wand up to my temple. My wand sparked and I instantly fell asleep.

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