Chapter Six: The After Party

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After the Quidditch game, the Weasley twins disappeared from sight. No one seemed to know where they had gone. I didn’t worry too much about them though. They often disappear for some brother time. With Emma and I always clinging to them, it’s not surprising to us when they suddenly vanish and don’t reappear until hours later.

Most of the Gryfindors were celebrating our outstanding victory by throwing a little party in the common room. Since I was a part of the team, I was expected to go. However, I didn’t want to go at all. I just wanted to be alone for a little bit to relax. Maybe take a quick trip to the library and rent out a couple of good books, or rom the grounds aimlessly and without purpose, or even go to the owlry and send out some mail.

To my great disappointment, Emma had shown up as soon as I got changed and grabbed me tightly by the arm. She had told me that the party was happening and insisted that we go together since Fred and George were gone. “We haven’t hung out since vacation ended! Let’s take this time and hang out!!”

So now here I am, sitting down on the couch in our common room. Music blasting, people screaming, dancing, drinking who knows what, and some people were making out. A couple signs were hung up about the room that had ‘GRYFINDOR RULES’ written in red paint across white banners. Everyone was having a great time. Ron and Harry were even enjoying themselves with the other kids. The only one who honestly wasn’t enjoying themselves was me. I wasn’t trying to be a buzz kill, I just didn’t feel like partying. My head was beginning hurt from all the noise, and my body was numb from the game earlier. The only thing that was going to brighten up my night was dinner. It was going to be soon, but it was going to feel like eternity before that was going to happen though….

“Alex, c’mon! You need to dance with us!!” Emma laughed cheerfully as she came up to me with Dean and Shamus.

I shook my head, “No, I’m fine… I’m not feeling too well.”

“Oh c’mon, Alex.  Just because Freddy’s not here doesn’t mean you need to be a buzzkill.” Shamus laughed at me.

I shot him and evil glance, “What?”

“Every time your precious Freddy’s not here, you get all depressed. You need to live a little.” Shamus replied. Could this guy take a hint? He should stop while he’s ahead.

“Shamus, that’s enough.” Dean told him as he placed a hand down on his friend’s shoulder.

Shamus shrugged him off and plopped down on the couch next to me. I looked over at him in disgust as I hopped away from him. He laughed as I did so and reached his arm around my shoulder. Grabbing onto me, he pulled me close to him to the point where we were closer than close. “You know, I’m always available if you get lonely when your boy isn’t around.” He smirked at me.

“Get off me!” I shouted as I pushed him off of me, “I would never go from Fred to you. Let alone even think about getting somewhat close to you. You’re immature, despicable, and frankly, I don’t like you.”

At this point, people were starting to stare. I had gotten to my feet and turned around to face him. I was going off on him about random things and kind of lost myself in the moment.

“You’re insane!” Shamus told me when I had finally finished my little rant session.

“Am i?” I asked him.

“What’s going on here?” Percy asked suddenly as he came down the steps from the boys’ dormitory.

Everyone looked from him, to us, and back again. Shamus looked over his shoulder and back to Percy. I didn’t say anything because I found this whole matter completely idiotic and pointless. However, Shamus opened his mouth within a matter of mere seconds.

“Alex is going off her handle!” he started off, “She started screaming at me for no reason. All I was doing was joking around. We’re all having a good time, but she’s been sitting around since the very start, being a bum, while the rest of us are having fun. So I decided to come over and cheer her up, but she took it the wrong way and started yelling at me.”

“Alex, is this true?” Percy asked me.

“Sure.” I replied not even wanting to put up a good fight against this immature little brat.

“Well, as head boy, I have no choice but to report you to Professor McGonagall.” He told me as he started towards the painting entrance.

I didn’t know what to say. No, I had a million things to say, but all the words got stuck in my throat. I was completely speechless. What would McGonagall do if she found out about this? Detention seems to light of a punishment… perhaps she would ban me from Quidditch? Or forbid me from going to Hogsmade...? My stomach clenched up at the mere thought of any of these things happening.

“Hold on!” Hermione’s voice spoke up, “Alex didn’t do anything wrong. Shamus grabbed her and she pushed him off. That’s all.”

Percy stopped dead in his tracks and looked back at the brown haired girl, “Really?”

“Yeah.” Not only her, but Ron and Harry replied to him.

“Well then, Shamus, I believe you’re the one at fault here. McGonagall will definitely need to hear about a boy touching a girl.” He told Shamus with a stern voice.

Shamus’s mouth dropped open from shock. He was speechless just like I was. He probably didn’t want to get in trouble any more than I did. Percy turned to leave once again. As he did, something in me told me to make him stop. That Shamus wasn’t at fault. That he was just being nice and was probably slipping up on his words.

“No, Shamus didn’t touch me in that way. He was just grabbing a piece of hair off my sweater.” I spoke out.

Shamus whipped his head back at me, “Wah…?”

“Right, Shamus?” I asked him as I shot him a ‘play along’ look.

He caught on pretty quickly and nodded, “Yeah…. Yeah!”  he said hesitantly then reassuringly.

Percy came walking back to us and raised an eyebrow. He must have suspicions. Even still, no one seemed to have anything else to say, so Percy had no choice but to dismiss the topic. Which he did eventually at a couple moments of thinking.

“Fine, you two won’t pay the Professor a visit tonight. But I have my eye on you two. Now all of you, get down to dinner!” He shouted angrily as he turned and sped out of the common room full of rage. Once he was gone, I looked over to Shamus and smiled lightly.

“Why’d you do that?” he asked confused.

“No one deserves to get in trouble for something as stupid as that.” I answered back as I grabbed Emma’s arm and led her down to dinner. Emma decided to sit back and watch the whole thing go down. She didn’t want to get involved so she let things go. That’s the type of person she is.  “Let’s go get some food.” I said to her as I started for the painting. Shamus was left on the couch with Dean completely dumbfounded. What can I say? I’m one confusing witch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2012 ⏰

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