Chapter 10

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I'm back or what not🤭 anyway sorry for going off the face of earth, graduating and then starting college was stressful for me but I'm back with writing. This chapter is going to be ass because i lost the focus on this but i promise I'll make up for it in the future chapters😭

The sound of my phone alarm woke me up as I groaned, slamming my hand down onto the phone and pressing on the stop button. I sat up and looked to my side to see Ophelia texting away on her phone, a big smile on her face. "Whats got you so happy in the morning?" i mumbled, a yawn escaping my mouth.

My sudden voice made her jump a little before her smile appeared again. "Well yesterday i meet some guys and theres this one boy who I really got along with! I means he's really funny and I feel like i could tell him anything besides us just meeting for the first time" she rambled on as i justed started at her,

"Sooo you like him?" I asked as she stopped before frantically shaking her head. "No no! I just meet him! He's just easy to get along with.." she trailed off with warm cheeks. "Hey how 'bout you invite him to the cafe and I bring Chan! Almost like a date!" I exclaimed as she seemed to stop for a moment, an expression I couldn't understand. "Yeah..sure i'll ask him" she gave me a small smile.

"Great so be ready before 12 because thats when i'm meeting chan!" I jumped off my bed, kissed her cheek before went downstairs to eat. I sat down next to Xavior who didn't even bother to give me a glance. "Are you still mad at me? Look i'm sorry about what I told you" I whispered to him.

He put his fork down as he turned to look at me. "I'm not mad at you N/N, i just need some time to think to myself" He sighed before giving me a tired smile. "Don't feel bad about what you said, it was the truth anyways"

"No Xavier, i know what i said hurt you and i truly am sorry. I don't want to lose our friendship, you've been my best friend since we were 7" He reached his hand over to me before patting my head. "I'll always be your best friend." He retracted his hand before picking up his bowl. "I should go get ready. Jessica is taking Robin and I to the mall later"

I nodded as he stood up, placing his dishes in the sink and then disappearing through the kitchen doors. I leaned over as I picked up some toast stacked up on a large white plate before spreading some (choice of spread) onto it. I let out a hum as i bit into the tasty breakfast.


"Okay let go in!" I grabbed Os hand before pushing the cafe door open, being greeted with the smell of roasted coffee. I looked around before spotting Chan and the back of the person sitting in front of him. "I see them" I pulled my sister with me as we reached the table. "You made it" Chan smiled at me before pointing towards the guy in front of him.

"This is Seungmin, Seungmin this is Y/N" Seungmin nodded as he reached his hand out for me to take, which I did. Thats when I noticed the red string wrapped around his pinky, my eyes following the small string that meet back to my pinky. I felt the air being sucked out my lungs as my eyes darted to Ophelia who looked at me confused.

Shit, i can't be his soulmate. My sister likes him besides Chan is my soulmate...right? "Y/N?" Chan called out as I snapped out of my thoughts and quickly let go. "Sorry, I was thinking of what to order" I lied before sitting down next to Chan. "Hey Ophelia did you get the picture of the cat I saw?" Seungmin asked as she nodded.

"He was so cute! I wish I could have a cat" She frowned as I bit my lip. "How come you don't get one? I'm sure you'd make a good cat mom" Chan asked as I opened my mouth to answer. "She's allergic" Seungmin beat me to it as I stared at him. They just met and he already know her allergies? Why does this make me feel funny.

Seungmin stared back at me before i saw his eyes flicker down to my hand before looking away with the same expressionless face. Does he not care that we're soulmates or is he just oblivious? "What do you girls want to drink? I'll go order?" Chan asked as I turned to look at him. "I'll have hot chocolate!" I smiled as he nodded.

"I'll have an iced americano" With that he stood up and walked to the front. "So seungmin, how do you know Chan?" I asked. "We both..we're both into music and we just connected from that one day" He said as i nodded. "Do you have a girlfriend?" I blurted out as he went stiff for a second, my sister staring at me the back to him.

"I—well no" He stuttered out as I nodded before looking down at my hands before back at him, catching his staring at them again. So he does know were soulmates. How come he hasn't said anything. "I see, can I have your number?" I asked, it's like my mouth had it's own mind. " want my number?"

"Ah here I'll send it to you" Ophelia butted in as she reached for her phone, a few sends later mine chimed. I looked down and saw she sent me his number. I bit my lip before turning my phone face down. "I hope you don't think this is weird but since we.." I trailed off as he cleared his throat.

"Don't worry" He quickly dismissed it before changing the subject and going back to talking to O. I felt my heart get tight before feeling a slight relief when Chan came back with our drinks.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2022 ⏰

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