Chapter 7

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I bite the skin in my nails as I stated at my phone, it had been 3 days since I gave Chan my number and he has yet to text me. Normally this wouldn't matter but I have less than 4 days left in Korea and he's all I've been thinking about and his friend who smiled at me.

"Hey!" A knock on the door made me jump as I grabbed my phone and look up to see my sister dressed up differently. "Hey" I raised a brow looking at her up and down. "What's with the new clothes?"

"Jessi gave me some of her old clothes that fit me, I like it! Oh Xavier and me are going to this small food place near by, Amber didn't want to go so I came to ask if you want to join us?" She asked leaning on the door frame looking at me with a grin.

"I'm pretty tired for today so I'll pass on it, maybe next time" I faked a yawn as her smile dropped. "Oh alright, I'll be back later" With that she closed the door and I placed the phone back down in from of me.

Ophelias POV

"She said she's tired so she won't come along" I said as I saw Xavier ready on the couch eating a sandwich Jessi gave him. "Alright let's go, it starts in 10 minutes" He spoke swallowing the food he had in his mouth before handing me the half he did finish.

"On the road we go!" I cheered taking a bite of the sandwich as Jessi grabbed her car keys to drive us. Putting the address on the gps we swiftly made our way there. "Don't cause trouble" She warned before driving away.

There in the front of the food place was a light up stand with 'Sing off' written on it. "You ready?" Xavier asked holding his hand out as I gave him a nod. "Ready as I'll ever be" I grab ahold of his hand as we walk in, people filling up almost every table, some with instruments others waiting for the performances.

"You'll do fine" The male next to me reassured me as I let go of his hand to sign up.


"Next up we have L/N Ophelia!" The girl announced as I took a deep breath before walking on the stage, guitar in hand. Singing was something my dad and I used to do until he left, that's when I gave it up but after seeing him I realized I didn't do it because of him but because I loved doing it. That's when Jessi told us about a sing off they host here every week and suggested I try it out.

I fix the microphone to my height before I started playing the guitar letting all my emotions out. I wrote this song when the day after I saw my shared soulmate, when I wanted to be greedy and keep him for myself but realizing I could never do that to my sister.

"Angels like you can't fly down to hell with me" I ended before the room erupted in applause, my heart beating rapidly from the thrill of being on stage singing. "Thank you" I said before walking off the small stage and running into Xavier open arms. "Holy shit O, that was amazing!" He grinned hugging me tightly.

"Wow that's was the best feeling" I said trying to catch my breath, cheeks hurting from smiling. "Damn they missed a good ass show" He chuckled talking about Amber and Y/N. Feeling a tap on my shoulder I turn to look at the source. "Y/N or?" A familiar face asked. "Ophelia, Y/N stayed home"

"Oh, well I just wanted to say you were amazing up there, would you guys want to sit with my friends and me?" Chan asked and before Xavier could refuse I nodded. "We'd love to!" He signaled us to follow him to a table with 7 other boys eating. "Guys this is Ophelia and.." He turned to Xavier asking for his name. "Xavier"

"Right, they're friends" He smiled before his friend gasped. "Hey are you the girl I saw at the cafe?!" He asked. "That was probably my sister Y/N" I gave him a half smile. "Really?" He sadly mumbled as someone's else cleared their throat. "You have an amazing voice Ophelia" The puppy like boy said as my stomach started feeling funny looking at his smile. "Thank you" I gave him a shy smile before Chan signaled us to sit. Everyone introduced themselves as we ate food.

"Can I get your number? To keep contact?" Seungmin asked handing me his phone as I quickly typed my number down. "It was great meeting you all, I wish there was people like you in Australia" I sighed knowing I'd have to leave in a few days.

"You're from Australia!" Felix said switching to English catching me off guard. "You're Australian too?" I grinned clapping my hands as the boy rapidly nodded. "You're aussi!" Jeongin spoke in broken English making my heart melt at how cute it sounded.

"Can we have your number as well?" Jeongin questioned as I nodded giving them all my number. "Hey O, Jessis here to pick us up" Xavier spoke after finishing his food. "Sadly we have to go back home, I hope we can met once more" I said budding goodbye before walking to Jessis car that was parked outside. Today was actually great.

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