Chapter 3

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I stretched my arms as the plane had finally landed. "Any longer and I would have died in there" I whined finally being able to move my body. The whole plane ride, the old lady next to me kept using my shoulder as a pillow.

"Tell me about it, Xavier would not shut up about the girl two rows ahead of us" Amber complained as the tall boy became flustered.

"The guy next to me was nice, we talked about music and our favorite shows, although his English was cute" O giggled as we made our way to pick up our luggage.

"Where is Jessi waiting for us? I just want to sleep in a bed" I spoke, missing the warm and secure place i called bed. I still felt guilty leaving my mom home alone, although she'll probably invite Joseph over to keep her company.

"Oh, she's still on her way here, she had to pick up Taehyung and Jeonsan first" Once those worlds left her mouth, we all looked at her in disbelief.

"You're telling me we have to wait who knows how long for her to come?" Xavier said as Amber hummed in response. "Robin couldn't pick them up after school because he has to stay and study for some exam"

"You could have told us sooner, what are we supposed to do at the airport for an hour or 2" O said picking up her suitcase that had finally arrived.

"We'll we could just buy some snakes and play some games, I know Xavier's going to be updating his socials and text back all the girls from school about how much fun he's having" Amber snickered as the boy mumbled something under his breath and turned away form her.

"Let's go get some food, I didn't eat any food on the plane" Ophelia suggested as we all agreed and made our way to the closest place selling food.

Being here again after years made my stomach feel weird. The last time I stepped foot here was with my, well biological dad. When he said goodbye to us and never contacted us again.

"Hey Y/N, are you okay?" Ophelia asked as she placed a hand on my shoulder to snap me out of my thoughts. "Yeah, just missing mom" I forced a smile before looking away.

Ophelia's POV

It was now night time, Jessi picked us up after waiting for about 2 hours at the airport and once we got to her house, we all set our things up in her spare rooms and then ate dinner.

The look on Y/Ns face couldn't be hidden, at least not from me. I know she was still thinking about our dad and how in this same city was the last time we ever saw him again.

A small tingling feeling snapped me from my thoughts. Looking down at my forearm, I pulled my sleeve up and saw a sentence written.

Gently grazing my fingers over the writing, I let a small smile form on my face. "How I wish I knew who you were" I whispered before looking up into the mirror letting reality hit me.

See sometimes with twins, a very slim chance, they end up having the same soulmates. Meaning one of them has to give their soulmate up for their siblings happiness.

Of course I didn't believe it could happen to Y/N and I but when I was tucking her into bed last month after she feel asleep on the couch, I noticed she had the same writing on her arm just like mine, same spot and handwriting.

I never mentioned it to anyone and just cleaned the writing off of her arm and miens as well. That was also the day I found out my parents had lied about our birth. See, the day I found the writing was November 12th but according to my parents, we were 'born' December 24.

"Ophelia~ lets cuddle" Y/n said storming into the room and flopping down next to me. "Alright, let cuddle" I smiled, looking down at her with a smile.

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