Chapter 2

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"Mom we're home!" I shout as Ophelia opens the door for us both. My calls were met with silence as the house was quiet, which it never was.

"Looks like moms not home" O muttered under her breath as she shut and locked the door before placing her book bag on one of the hooks on the wall.

"Hey maybe she went out to us some of that delicious strawberry cake I asked her!" I exclaimed as my mouth watered up at the thought of the oh so delicious baked good.

"As if, remember mom told us she wouldn't buy you anymore cake this month because you ate the entire thing before any one of us got a bite!" O placed a hand on her hip looking at me with her other hand out.

"It was calling my name out! I couldn't ignore its delicious pleads" I pout handing her my bag to hang up. "Let's just watch a movie, I'll make us snacks" I smiled at her words before bolting to the sofa.

"Do you really think we should go with Amber? I mean we haven't been there since we first met dad on the summer of 1st grade..."I asked as I went through the movie book we had.

I heard Ophelia let out a sign from the kitchen. "We're bound to go on day. It is a part of who we are after all, beside, I doubt any of his family remembers he even has us. He hasn't even contacted us beside when he found out we were in Korea with Ambers family that summer."

"I just don't understand why he left us. I get mom and him didn't work out but were his kids. His own blood and flesh, you know? I just thought he'd love us after he found out about us"

"Let's not talk about this please. Joseph is our dad anyways" Ophelia answered.

Joseph, that's our moms boyfriend. They had been dating since we were only 7, we met him on our 8th birthday and he treated us like his own daughters. At least we had someone to look up to as a father figure. Dad promised to call when we came back to Australia but he never did.

"Don't think about it too much. Here eat this" She handed me a plat of a delicious sandwich. While in her plate she had a bowl of fruits, as she had been a vegetarian even since she decided to try it out when she was 9.

"A steak sandwich like the one I love from subway!" I gushed looking at my plate. "You're the best!" I squealed as I bit into my food as Ophelia picked out a movie, which was my job.

She put on a Christmas movie for the upcoming holiday. We spent the whole day watching movies, at one point our mom came home with groceries and joined in on our now little Christmas movie marathon.

Ophelias POV

The room was barely lit from the tv screen as the credits started rolling. I looked to my side to see my mom and Y/N asleep on each other like they always do when we watch movies. I smiled softy as I stand up and head to the closet.

As I pulled out a red fuzzy blanket I noticed ink on my hand, which I didn't do because I didn't like writing on my skin with ink. It was a lyric? Odd, maybe Xavier wrote on my hand to write down something when I wasn't paying attention.

I shrugged it off as I went and place the blanket I've the two sleeping females. After tucking them in I went to place the groceries away in their location and made Y/Ns & my lunch for tomorrow.

After I finished everything I headed to my room to sleep for the night.

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