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I'm not leaving, Lou.


It's one thing to wake up on a hard floor for about the thirteenth time, cold, hungry and hurting.

It's another thing to wake up with a badly stinging pain all across your tummy, so hurtful you have to squint your eyes closed harder to bare it the first seconds you're awake.

But still the second option was better. Because with it came warmth, softness, a bed. Also a person, Harry.

Louis really didn't want to move. He laid all curled up in Harry's side, his face pressed in the crook of the taller man's neck. Warm skin burning on his own, and he liked the way Harry tightened his arms around him in his sleep. He felt like smiling, but the pain on his stomach outdid the pleasant and relaxed feeling of lying in Harry's arms.

He moved a little, hoping it would hurt less, but the opposite occurred, which made a little moan of pain escape his lips. Harry's eyes fluttered open and he looked down at Louis squirming in his side.

"Lou..." His low morning voice croaked a little.

"Lou, are you okay?" he asked with a concerned tone when Louis wouldn't stop moving.

"It stings." Louis whispered back and Harry sighed a little.

Harry let Louis softly slide off him an onto the soft mattress of the single bed and kinda hurried out of the room.

When he came back, he'd brought a little box with pills and a glass of water. "Here, painkillers. Let me help you."

He stuffed the pillow a bit and helped Louis up, careful not to hurt him more before he handed Louis two pills and the glass of water. Watching Louis drink a bit, the guilt came flooding back, it was all he could think about the night before.

He slowly took Louis arm and held it aside so he could properly look at the stitched wounds. It looked horrible. The flesh was all read and it was obvious it hadn't stopped bleeding right away when Harry'd stitched it. His skin was filthy all around and the sewed parts looked scrumbled a bit and infected.

Harry sighed and got up again, this time taking a little case from under his own bed, not the one they slept in tonight. He opened it on the floor and got a big bandage, some tape, scissors and disinfectant out.

"This is gonna sting, I'm sorry but, I have to disinfect and tape it over in order for it to heal properly." Louis looked frightened, but nodded and went to lie on his back. He watched as Harry sat beside him on the bed, pouring some disinfectant on a wipe. He dipped lightly on the wound and Louis whimpered at the first contact, feeling the wound sting ten times harder than before.

"I know, I'm sorry." Harry spoke softly, just above a whisper. He went on and cleaned the whole wound, all four filthy letters, and placed the bandage over it when he was done.

Louis made a move to get up, but Harry softly pushed him down by his shoulder. "I'll get you something to eat. I think it's best if you rest some more."

Louis looked sad but nodded and laid his head back in the pillow. He watched as Harry left and couldn't help but close his eyes when he was out of sight. He was so tired, the pain draining all energy out of his body. As his mind went wondering, he had no idea how he was supposed to feel about the past and current events. Harry was the one that saved him last night. He took care of him, of the wound, and comforted him so the emotional pain didn't need to add up to the physical.

But Harry was also the one that brought him in this situation in the first place. And no, he didn't mean that it was Harry's fault that Niall tortured him. But Harry was still a criminal who locked him in a small, cold room without any furniture for two weeks. If he thought about it, Louis was supposed to hate him. He was supposed to despise him. But instead he liked him, and he kissed him back because of that. When Harry'd kissed him two days ago, he didn't think about how that made no sense at all. If Harry would've liked him he wouldn't have starved him for two days, he wouldn't have locked him that long and let him sleep on the cold floor. He simply wouldn't be here anymore if Harry really liked him.

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