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Hazel was at the train station with her parents.

" Mum we don't need to go over this every year-"

"Yes we do. Now what are the rules?"

Evanora asked calmly.

"Don't set anybody on fire, behave nicely, and don't kill anyone"

Hazel replied.

"Yes. Good. Ok. Now I guess you should get going."

Evanora pulled her daughter towards her and hugged her tight.

"Have fun sweetheart! We'll see you over break!"

Hazel smiled and then hugged her dad.

"And last rule. No boyfriends"

Draco said with a serious expression. Evanora swatted his shoulder while Hazel laughed.

"Don't listen to your idiot of a father. Go on."

Hazel waved as she stepped onto the train. She knew that all her friends were in their compartments, and she'd be the last one there. She used her vampire speed to rush through until she found them.

"Bitch! We missed you!"

Myra stood up and hugged Hazel tight. They both sat down.

"I missed you guys too. How was summer?"

Lily smiled sweetly at her friend.

"We went to see James in Aruba! It's so pretty there, he's seriously living the best life"

Albus nodded in agreement.

"We built in a new library into the house. Dad and Rose built it and then Mum and I organized it"

Hugo explained.

"God it's so nice! I can spend all my time in there and never get bored!"

Myra laughed at Rose's excitement.

"Mum really wanted to see animals, so we went to one of those places that muggles have- yknow with the caged animals"

Everyone looked at Lorcan with a confused expression.

"What are you on about?"

Albus asked.

"It- it was- a zoo! Yes! It's called a zoo. We should go some time"

"Sounds like a plan!"

They all laughed. The ride to Hogwarts is a long one. A couple of them fell asleep.while another couple walked around. Hazel was left with Myra.

"Should we get something from the trolley?"

"I've actually got blood bags. I'm gonna walk around a bit."

Myra nodded as Hazel stood up. She sipped at the blood and aimlessly strolled around. Not paying attention, she walked into a compartment she thought was hers, and sat down.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

An angry voice came from next to her. She looked and saw a face she could have sworn she'd seen before.

"Oh I'm sorry I must've walked into the wrong compartment"

The boy rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. Just go"

Hazel crossed her arms.

"Well I'm sorry but why the fuck are you so damn mad? It was an accident!"

Now the boy stood up.

"Because you were being a fucking idiot and not watching where you were going. Maybe pay more attention to what you're actually doing!"

He was seething with anger. Not wanting to push him any further, she took a step back.

"Fine. Sorry. I'll see you at Hogwarts- whatever your name is"

He only huffed in response. She rolled her eyes and sat back in her compartment with Myra.

"I heard yelling"

Myra turned and faced Hazel.

"Some fucker in another compartment got all angry at me for no reason."

"You want me to go sort him out?! Because-"

Myra stood up but Hazel rest a hand on her arm.

"Just leave it, if I really thought it was a problem, I'd have dealt with it by now."

Still looking a little pissed, Myra slowly sat down.


The students all streamed out of the train, making their way to their house table. Lorcan sat across from Hazel.

"So how many new Ravenclaws do you think there'll be this year?"

Lorcan asked.

"Honestly judging by the looks on all their faces, I'd say we've got a good bunch coming with us."

Lorcan looked around and then nodded in agreement.

As the sorting ceremony began, Hazel found her mind wandering off. She looked around the room when her eyes landed on a pair of brown ones staring right at her. She sneered at him and he made an annoyed looking face back at her before looking away.

What a prat

She thought. She then spent the next couple of moments studying his features. She could swear that she had met him elsewhere beforehand, she just couldn't place it. After a good 20 minutes of thinking, it clicked in her head.

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