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"It's the first day and she's late"

Hugo was becoming impatient in the classroom. He was to sit next to Hazel, who wasn't even there yet.

"I'm sorry! I'm here!"

She rushed into the classroom, quickly taking her seat next to Hugo.

"Hmph. 10 points from Ravenclaw. What exactly is it that you were doing Miss Malfoy?"

"Well- I fell asleep late and then- well got up late too."

The class remained quiet.

"So you're telling me I didn't catch you in the prefects bathroom at 3 I'm the morning yesterday?"

The voice came from the back of the classroom. Hazel turned and saw a set of brown eyes staring at her. She clenched her jaw I'm anger.

"Well yes but-"

"That is highly inappropriate Miss Malfoy. Detention"

Hazel was absolutely livid. She sat down next to Hugo with her hands in fists.

"Who even was that?"

Without looking at him she said

"Fucking Diggory."

Hugo didn't want to pry any further, he focused his attention back on the lesson.


"He's so irritating I'm gonna rip his head off"

Hazel was extremely annoyed, sat with her friends at lunch.

"I'm surprised he's still talking to you. As far as I've seen, he doesn't care much to talk to anybody aside from his best friend"

Albus said.

"I don't even fucking care, I just want him to leave me alone. Maybe I should kill him."

Myra started laughing.

"Yeah and then your mum will kill you. Why don't you just ignore him. He'll forget about you soon enough anyway, he always does"

Hazel shrugged.

"Guess I'll try that."

They chat for the remainder of lunch before going their separate ways for their classes.


Jax watched as she talked and laughed with her friends. It triggered a memory he forgot all about.

"Hey can I sit?"

"Yeah sure."

The girl sat down.

"Malfoy. Hazel Aspen Malfoy."

She stretched her hand out for him to shake.

"Diggory. Jax Raiden Diggory."

She sat next to him.

"Is it your first year too?"

He asked.

"Yes. I'm sort of nervous. Are you?"

He nodded. They both talked and laughed all the way until they reached Hogwarts.


"Hugo! Rose! Albus! Lorcan! Hey guys!"

Just then a girl walked from behind her.

"Myra I know it's you"

The girl laughed.

"This is Jax."

They all waved at him. He waved back. Slowly the two drifted apart, Jax ran off with his friend Jasper while Hazel joined her friends.

As Jax's head slowly returned back to the present, he got up and left the great hall.


"-and so as you can see in your books, you must stir until-"

Hazel was slowly drifting off to sleep. She was bored out of her mind.

"Psst. Hazel. Should we skip?"

The voice came from Albus.

"Ok. Hold my hand."

He grabbed her hand. She closed her eyes.

"Ravenclaw common room."

She opened her eyes and they were in the common room. Albus breathed a sigh of relief and grabbed a pack of crisps. He sat on the sofa and ate them, picking up a book. Hazel decided to step out. She walked up to an empty classroom and sat down.

"So we meet again"

"So we do"

She turned and saw Jax sitting further back.

"You know what I'm just gonna go-"

She tried opening the door but it was locked. She tried using a spell and then kicking it down.

"Fuck! What did you do?!"

"Fucking nothing!"

He took a good look at the door.

"I've used this spell before. If the person who did it doesn't undo it, we're trapped in here for the next 4 hours till it wears off"

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