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Hazel's eyes widened when she remembered who he was. Lorcan saw her shocked face and immediately looked confused.

"Hazel what's wrong?"

She didn't respond. She stood up and slowly made her way out.

"Hazel- Hazel! Where are you going?!"

She didn't listen, instead she's just made her way out. Rose and Myra both looked at Lorcan and then quickly followed behind her.

"What's wrong?"

Rose looked genuinely concerned.

"Come on honey what is it?"

Myra also looked slightly panicked.

"I know him. That guy!"

"What guy?! Who are you talking about?"

Rose asked.

"Remember I told you some guy was being a prat in the train? I remember him! I first spoke to him in the first year-we shared a train compartment!"

"Well who is he?"

"Honestly I can't remember his name. But his surname is Diggory."

Myra chuckled.

"Diggory? You're talking about Jax. Don't waste too much of your time on him, he's a cold emotionless brick wall of a person"

"He's hot though"

Rose added. Myra immediately turned an glared at her.

"Never mind- not hot at all, nope."

"Well I'll take your word for it Myra. He seems like a prat anyways."

The girls laughed as they re entered the great hall.


"Jasper. Who's that? The girl that ran out a moment ago"

Jax asked in a serious tone.

"Her? She's a Malfoy. Hazel Aspen Malfoy. Daughter of Draco Lucius Malfoy and Evanora Snape Malfoy."

"You mean the original Tribrid? The most powerful being on the planet?"

Jasper nodded.

"Her and her brother are also tribrids. Why do you care anyways"

"I don't. She bumped into me on the train earlier and I just wanted to know it was."

Jasper just shrugged and got back to eating his food. Jax was deep in thought for another moment, before he was called over by someone.


"Fuck I'm so tired. I'd better start heading back to the Gryffindor common room."

Hugo waved and headed out.

"I should probably get going as well. First day tomorrow!"

Rose giggled with excitement and Myra laughed at how energetic she was.

"I'll uh- I'll walk you back"

Myra stood up and Rose nodded.

"Looks like Myra's got a little crush"

Hazel and Lily high fived and laughed. Myra's face turned beet red.

"Shut the fuck up no I don't!"

This just caused them to laugh harder as the two rushed out of the room. Lorcan went up to his dorm, and Lily left for hers. Hazel sat there for a moment.

"Well I'm not fucking tired."

She magically got herself a bottle of bourbon.

"This'll do"

She sipped at the bottle. She decided to take a walk around the building.

1 hour 30 minutes later


This was now the third time Hazel had jumped off the astronomy tower. Once she had landed she laughed. She was thoroughly enjoying herself. She sped back into the building, all the way to the kitchen.

"Hm let's see. Cereal, milk, ooh maybe I'll take the pop tarts and-"

A wide smile spread across her face when she saw the big bag of chocolate frogs.

"We're definitely taking that."

She snatched it and took everything with her up to her room. She spent the next hour eating and watching Netflix movies.

Another hour later

"Shit it's 3 I should probably sleep."

She stepped out of the tub in the prefects bathroom, where she definitely wasn't allowed, and put on her robe. At that moment, someone walked in.

"Well well what do we have here? You're not allowed in here are you?"

Hazel turned slightly pink.

"Jax. Well neither are you. I don't recall you being made prefect."

He stepped forward, his expression not changing.

"So I guess you do know my name Hazel."

"And you figured out mine."

He just shrugged.

"You'd better be heading out now"

He walked past her.

"So I'm not allowed but you are?"

"Well you're welcome to stay and watch if you'd like"

He tugged his shirt off and started the water. Hazel quickly turned around and covered her eyes.

"Fine. I'm going."

She walked out and went back to her dorm. After finishing her nightly routine, she headed off to sleep.

A Love That BurnsWhere stories live. Discover now