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"Oh my god you're here! We thought something bad had happened!"

Lily sprang up from her seat and hugged Hazel.

"I'm fine Lils I swear. Some fucker spelled me in a room that I wasn't allowed to leave for 4 hours."

Hazel expressed in a tired voice.

"Are you ok now? What happened in there, were you alone?"

Lorcan had slight panic in his voice.

"I swear I'm fine. And no, I was in there with Jax."

This caused Myra to laugh.

"So you two were stuck alone for 4 hours? What happened in the room?"

She winked suggestively. Hazel threw a pillow at her.

"Piss off. Nothing happened in there. He was actually really nice. And you're one to talk, you're the one with the big ass bruise on your neck."

Now it was Myra's turn to look embarrassed.

"We had Quidditch practice! I must've got hit or something."

This caused them all to snicker.

"Really? You got hit perfectly on the crook of your neck?"

Albus asked in disbelief.

"Whatever guys shut up. We aren't even talking about me, we're talking about Hazel. What do you mean he was nice?"

"I don't know, he was just good to talk to."

Albus and Myra scoffed.

"Jax Diggory was nice to somebody for no alternate purpose? You must've gone mental."

Albus shook his head.

"He was! We had a proper conversation, he was laughing and smiling."

"You can't actually be serious? I've never seen that man smile a day in my life and we live in the same part of the building."

Myra said. Hazel could only shrug.

"I don't know what to tell you guys.  He was nice."

Everyone just shrugged. Seeing as nobody could prove otherwise, they decided to drop it.


"My mum's being a huge bother, apparently she's coming to drop off "essentials" that I need"

Albus was turning red. Everyone was laughing uncontrollably hard.

"She's not coming for me? Wonder what special things you need Albus"

Lily was giggling.

"You guys are so bloody irritating. She'll be here any moment now."

Everyone was sitting around in their pajamas. Fairly soon, Ginny walked into the room with a big box.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2021 ⏰

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