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The rain continues pittering against the window of my mother's dirty apartment as I look out, mesmerized by the beauty of Seoul.
Is it my fault it's dirty? Partially. Everything has been a mess since we moved into our new apartment a few weeks ago. But I'm not going to admit that. My mom deserves to be at blame.
The only reason why we moved in the first place was that she needed to escape a serious loan shark that was threatening to burn our house down if she didn't pay them immediately. Curse my mother for that.
She spends all her savings up on illegal drugs, which leads her to run out of money and get then gets loans from shady people who she never ends up paying in return. And the worse part? She's going to die with all her debts still in place. And do you wonder who those debts will be passed onto? You guessed it. Me.
At the same time, I'm slightly grateful that we left that awful village and escaped to somewhere different. The bullying at my old school was getting worse and worse for me.
I get it, though. I'm a chubby girl, with paper-thin lips and undesirable hair that nobody would want. I'm a visual hole wherever I go. And to make matters worse, I live with a drug addict. Did I ask to be poor and ugly? Nope. Nobody would wish that even on their worst enemy.
Some people have it lucky. Like that girl Scarlett in our class. She's skinny, pretty and her parents make a good amount of money. Of course, she's your school's typical popular girl. Putting on makeup to school, wearing dresses and skirts, hanging out with boys... Your textbook definition of a slut.
Everyone likes her, for some reason. Well, I know the reason. It's pretty obvious. She's popular like I mentioned before. People like to greet her in the halls so they make themselves think that they're even close to reaching her greatness. But I've noticed that she happens to be a lot smarter than the popular girls at my old school. She doesn't let people dictate her, nor does she stay oblivious that some people only talk to her just to feel famous in the student body.
The worst part is that I'm doing the same thing. Slowly reaching my way up to the popular clique so that I don't have to deal with any more teasing. Heejin seems to be denser than the other popular girls, so I befriended her first. I slowly started hanging out with them more and more and some are even referring to me as their friend.
I arrive at class, my hair all wet since the rain decided to not have mercy on me today. I see Scarlett sitting on Jinsoul's desk, talking to everyone about her weekend. Of course, she had some extravagant story to tell. She always does. Her parents live in America, so she lives by herself.
It's weird, but I know a lot of things about her. Maybe because she's the one I want to destroy so that I can become popular and take her place. You have to keep your friends close, but your enemies closer, my mother used to tell me.