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I storm out of the cafeteria before I could accidentally do something I would regret.


My ears heat up again. I can't believe Heejin! I'm not forcing her to side with me on this situation, but for her to outright blame me for it? If I really wanted to trip Minseo, I wouldn't have done it in front of the entire student body. That's a total rookie move when it comes to bullying someone. Not that I'm or bully. Or ever was. You get the point.

"Scarlett!" Olivia calls out from behind me. I ignore her and continue stomping angrily through the halls, ignoring the multiple students who watched me in curiosity as to what could have made me so mad. I open the doors to the auditorium and sit in one of the seats near the front, staring onto the dimly lit stage.

Maybe I overreacted to some, but it's not my fault. I'm not an entirely special person, neither do I have some weird secret that I want to keep a secret from everyone. That is, except for one thing.

At 13 I was diagnosed with anger issues. I know. Lame. I probably get them from my dad, who has the same problem. The reason why I've never told anyone is because I'm afraid I'll get mocked as I did at my old school. Yes, I was bullied in Switzerland. Another secret.

I'm taken out of my train of thoughts as Olivia and Beomgyu sit on opposite sides of me. "What just happened?" Beomgyu asks as Olivia sighs.

I chuckle bitterly. "Heejin being dumb, that's for sure."  Olivia and Beomgyu hum in agreement. "I'm not one to talk about people behind their back, but I don't know why she acted so weird right then and there! It felt like she was trying to make me look like a bad person, but in the end, she's the one who ended up making a fool of herself."

I didn't realize that I was yelling at this point. I stand up in anger as the two looks at me weirdly. I quickly realize my mistake and sit down immediately, hoping they don't question what happened. "Scarlett's finally living up to her name, huh?" Beomgyu tries to ease the tension that I accidentally created with my outburst.

"And what do you mean by that?" I turn to face Beomgyu who looked flustered. "It's just uh... There's a joke about you in school..."

My eyes almost pop out of my eyes as he continues. "I-it's a harmless joke! Cause, you know, with your short temper..."

"Oh god, Beomgyu. You seem like a total idiot right now." Olivia says as Beomgyu's face starts to turn redder than mine.

"Fine! Your name is Scarlett and whenever you get mad, you turn all red. There!" He puts his arms up in defense. "I didn't create it!"

I scoff loudly, clearly more enraged than I was before. "You guys are acting no different from Heejin right now." I get up a storm off, leaving the two of them together alone. What is up with everyone? Is it national be a bitch to Scarlett day?

The noisy footsteps of mine stomp through the halls as I angrily march past the students who didn't dare to look at me in fear of me doing something bad to them. Did they really see me as an angry person? I walk up into the library and sit at the same spot Sunghoon and I sat at a few days ago, this time by myself.

Maybe I should distract my mind like my mom suggests when I start to act like this. Let's think about good things, like puppies! No, that's no good. Cupcakes? Never mind, I despise cupcakes. Park Sunghoon...?

I slap my head harshly, scolding myself for thinking of him. What is up with me today? Is there a chance that... Maybe I like him? Okay, he's cute. I'll admit to that. But, he's a celebrity! That'll do no good for me. Also-

"Scarlett~" I hear someone hum over my shoulder. I wince as I look over to see Sunghoon. "Wow, what a coincidence, I was just thinking about you," I say with a blank tone.

"You were thinking of me? Aw, how cute." He places his hands over his chest and swings back and forth cutely. I give him the same Pokerface and he eventually stops, muttering a small 'sorry' to me.

"I guess you're mad about what happened at lunch." He says as I shrug. "It happened five minutes ago, of course I'm still gonna be mad about it," I say in return as he flusters at his silly question.

"Well, I have something to make you feel better about..." He takes a book out of his bag. "Tada!" He places the vintage book onto the table. I lean in closer to inspect it. It was a red-brown colour,  with a leather cover and ripped pages.

"What is this?" I grab the book and blow onto it, letting the dust on it disintegrating into the air. Sunghoon takes it out of my hands and pulls his seat next to mine. "It's a book about sleep paralysis. My therapist gave it to me and I thought it would be interesting if he explored it together."

He flips through the first couple of pages. Apparently, it's a book written in the 1960s when sleep paralysis was first to be discovered. It describes it as 'A slumber broken by Incubus making your brain awake but your body under a deep sleep, common for wenches and the mentally ill.'

"Wench? Seriously? I haven't heard of that word in years!" I exclaim through laughter, flipping through the obviously very inaccurate descriptions of what a mental health institution thought sleep paralysis was to be.

"This is official, too!" Sunghoon chuckles as I scream out "What!" earning multiple shushes from the nearby students who were trying to study. We apologize to them before Sunghoon continues. "This was certified by the World Health Organization! Can you believe that?"

"You know, there's probably some misinformation that we're learning right now which will be confirmed to be false in the future. And then our grandkids will laugh at our old textbooks just like we're doing right now." I suddenly blurt out, earning a stare from Sunghoon. "What?" I say since he looked pale.

"You said 'our grandkids'." He says as I stop smiling. I don't need a mirror to figure out I was blushing like crazy right now. "S-sorry," I mumble, placing the book down as the atmosphere between us became awkward.

"I'm gonna go now," I state, giving the book back to him and bowing slightly. I then walk out of the library, ignoring him chanting my name despite the numerous warnings we have already been given for being too loud.

I walked into this library super pissed and now I'm embarrassed like hell. Today is obviously not my day.



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