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Her touch is euphoric, and I don't want to ever let go.


But at last, the day must come to an end, and we have to go our separate ways. After giving Scarlett a short kiss before dropping her off at her house, I drive confidently with my fresh new license to my home.

After parking the car, I walk to the front door, humming a quiet melody cheerfully. The doors open to see the house dark. That was what I was expecting since it was around 12 o'clock in the morning and everyone in this house tended to sleep early. I walk through the halls, not bothering to turn the lights on as I was about to go into my room. About to.

The lights flicker on as my eyes wander to the couch where my mother sat. Arms crossed. Furrowed face. Totally pissed. She gets up and starts marching towards me with her mouth already open to lecture me. "Where. Were. You?"

I open the door to the fridge, taking out a glass of orange juice and pouring it into a glass to numb the taste of Scarlett's lipstick. I sip on my drink, stopping halfway through to answer. "I was at a party."

She scoffs dramatically. "What is up with you, Sunghoon? The international skating competition is less than two weeks away and you're PARTYING?!" She yells in my face as I roll my eyes, placing the now empty glass in the sink and starting to wash it. "Sorry mom," I say over the water running. "I just wanted to have some fun for tonight."

"Yeah, I bet you had fun, especially kissing that girl."

I drop the glass cup into the sink, it shattering everywhere. But that was at the bottom of my worries. I slowly turn to my mother, eyes widen as she brings up a picture on her phone. It seemed to be taken from far away, but it was the exact moment where Scarlett smashed her cherry lips onto mine.

We were under the lamppost, my hands caressing her thighs as hers were around my neck, pulling me closer into her. My anxiety is replaced with cringe as the thought crossed my mind about how my mother had to see a picture of her precious son rubbing his hands all over a girl, just like someone who she would describe as 'a gangster'.

"Where did you get that?" I ask, startled at the picture. "It doesn't matter which student at your school sent me this. What matters is who is this girl, and why are you putting my reputation at risk for some kisses?!"

I laugh bitterly. "So, someone from our school sent that? I wonder who..." There are only two people that would ever do such a thing. Not to me, but to Scarlett. And that's Minseo and Heejin. Scarlett mentioned that they did something bad to her. Maybe their fight got so bad that they decided to get revenge by doing that. "Who is she?!" Mother repeats herself.

A sigh leaves my mouth. I guess there's no point in keeping it a secret any longer. "She's not just some random girl I found on the street, mom. That's my girlfriend, Scarlett. We've been dating for almost three months, alright?"

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