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EDWARD FELT LIKE THE DAYS WERE FADING BEFORE HIM. Each day longer than the last. And for an immortal, that was saying quite a lot. Though, he played his role well, in his solitary, he felt as though he were simply a soulless creature destined to to fade away; his entire existence evaporating into the universe. But alas, he would never fade. Not really.

He was made of stone. A cold monster of stone.

Slowly, Edward reached down to wrap his hands around a glass bottle of the delicacy that was vampcohol (the alcoholic vampire concoction from the wizarding world that Emmett had dubbed vampcohol). And though a silly name, he drank it, swallowed it more and more until he felt the effects. Until he felt the new sensation burn throughout his body, leaving a soothing and reckless feeling he could not get enough of for months now.

And so he drank, and drank, and with it, a new burn through his body--the burn of shame.

Edward did not want anyone to know what he was going through. Oh, his family had their suspicions of course. But Alice's visions had not changed. So they knew he would be happy, one day.

For now, he would play his role well, even though he felt as though he were fading.

Downstairs, Edward could hear the door opening and closing over and over. Voices and hurried thoughts of Bella's family and his own, all working together to make this day a fairytale...

He knew it was almost time for the happiest day of his existence.

"My son" Carlisle said sadly, as he walked into his room. Edward was caught by surprise of Carlisle's presence, something that did not happen often. He guessed the concoction he was drinking was quite potent, that he had not 'heard' Carlisle come in. "Our guests are arriving."

"Y-yes" Edward said, slurring his words without meaning to. "Of course Carlisle, I will b-be there--"

I can't see you like this. There must be another way. Carlisle pleaded in his head, as he looked upon his first son with eyes full of pity.

Edward sighed as he stood up, catching a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror before him; he was dressed in a classic black tux, his hair appearing as disheveled as he felt.

"What if Aro decides to come tomorrow?" Edward said in a strained voice. "O-or someone tells him we cancelled the wedding? They will use any excuse, any to convince me and Alice to join them."

Carlisle sighed, "You've been putting on a brave face...Bella made you happy once before and she still will. But even then, I cannot see you this unhappy. The ends do not justify the means. Not if there is someone else out there who can change what you are feeling."

"Bella knows how I feel. And she is willing to wait..."

"Perhaps we can find a way my son" Carlisle encouraged. "I know you wished to resolve this alone, but perhaps...Perhaps Gwen can help shield Bella from any harm. So Bella can continue to live a normal life. And you--" Carlisle finished speaking, as Edward could see the thoughts playing out in his mind; of Edward and Gwen reuniting, happy and in love.

There was a moment in Carlisle's thoughts that Edward felt a peace he had not felt in what seemed like a long time. A peace that he did not deserve...Or even, one that he feared was no longer his to mourn.

"What if..." Edward choked out, as his worst fears bubbled on the surface. "What if she doesn't want me anymore?"

Carlisle looked at his son with compassion, knowing full well who the 'she' he was talking about was.

𝑺𝑶𝑳𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑪𝑬 [𝑯𝑨𝑹𝑹𝒀 𝑷𝑶𝑻𝑻𝑬𝑹/𝑻𝑾𝑰𝑳𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻]Where stories live. Discover now