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With the help of Astoria and Malfoy, they hatched up a plan for what came next. Though Bella was still a concept in their mind, the impending war was also something they needed to take care of. Cal, Leah, Sam, and Seth would join them in a war council, as well as all of the Cullens to bring forth a plan to protect them all. Then, someone from the Republic would reach out to them in a few hours, in order to update them on the public forum.

The Cullens gathered in the living room, as Astoria and Malfoy conducted an extension charm to increase the size for the people who would be joining them.

Bella was brought into the room by Rosalie and Esme, being seated in a corner on the couch with a good view of everything. Rosalie, Esme, and Emmett, all sat together, gathered around Bella. Gwen noticed as Alice and Jasper sat in an opposite corner, and Carlisle stood with Edward.

Despite Bella getting better, the battle lines were drawn within the family.

Gwen took notice of empty seats across the room, as she passed by Bella's side in order to reach Carlisle and Edward. She realized as she turned, that Bella's eyes were once again fixated on her chest. Mainly, her eyes focused on Gwen's new necklace.

The raven-haired woman wondered if it was impolite to wear the jewelry, realizing then that a piece like the one Edward gave her, must not have been too common to see.

"They will be arriving soon" Carlisle called out to everyone, hanging up his phone as Gwen raised her wand and ready to have Sam, Leah, Seth, and Cal join them. Though they would have preferred to bring their entire Pack, Leah thought it best for it to be just them, as Jacob had not seen Bella since their wedding and perhaps, now would not be a good time for any "accidents" to occur.

As Gwen heard the familiar "POP!" before them, she lowered their defenses as the new group before them entered the home.

She knew this was a council of war, one that she would be leading. And despite what the Cullens thought of her, she knew this was no social visit. And though her first instinct was to run and hug Cal, Leah, and Seth. To run to them and thank them for everything they did to get her memory back, to embrace them in community and like family. She knew she had to contain herself, at least, until their meeting was over.

"Please come inside" Gwen said, as Cal shot her a surprised look. "We have to get started before the Republic calls."

As the newcomers found their seats, Edward remained at her side steadily. He nodded to her in encouragement, as she took a deep breath and began.

"Thank you all for coming today."

"Like we had a choice" Rosalie muttered.

"We're to update you all on where we are at and when the Republic arrives by messenger, where we will go from here" Gwen stated, as she looked around the room.

"First, I know Edward has updated most of you on what state we are in. But we wanted to bring in the leaders of the Pack" Gwen continued, looking towards Sam, Leah, Cal, and Seth. "In order for all of us to know the dangers coming. After Cal and I left, we headed to New York in order to present our findings to the Wizarding Government of the United States, also known as MACUSA. We were denied our request to add the new species of Vampires here, however, the Republic, accepted. The Denali Coven was welcomed in the Republic for some time, being integrated into society as a legislation was created to incorporate them into our world. But this legislation wasn't just for them, it was to create a smoother transition of magical species who wished to join the Republic. Or rather, integrate into the Wizarding World in Britain."

Gwen paused, as she took a deep breath, "Our dream was not one everyone shared. And for that, I am truly sorry."

"You're sorry?" Rosalie said in outrage. "You are the reason our entire family is in danger!"

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