7. Captain Rogers (Steve Rogers x daughter)

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Kate Upton as Alexandrina Rogers

In a small room in Stark Tower lay a woman who has been in induced hyper sleep since 1973. She wore tan capris, a white camisole with the SHIELD logo on it and her hair was down and rested on her shoulders.

The woman woke abruptly and her breathing was heavy. She looked around the room suspiciously and stopped when she heard the radio playing swing music.

"Glad to see you're awake." A woman came in smiling.

"Where am I?"

"You're in a recovery room in New York City."

"That song...that song was from June 1968....I know because I was there." The nurse's eyes grew wide. "That was the first time that song was played." She began to rise from the bed and the woman pushed a button, "now I'm gonna ask again. Where am I?"

"Captain Rogers, I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about." That's when two men entered the room. The Rogers woman panicked and jumped out of the window—or so she thought.

She was freaking out; she had now idea where she was and the words 'All agents code 13.' Kept sounding throughout the building. She ran and found a way to escape until a brunette with a bow and arrow grabbed her and stopped her.

"Let go of me!" She kept screaming and struggling to break free but he would always manage to keep her trapped.

"You're fine, relax!" Then she kicked him where the sun don't shine and he let go of her. That's when the girl noticed a boy with brown-red hair with green-blue eyes staring at her. And a tall muscular blonde man next to him as well as a red-haired woman.

"What happened!?" Questioned Natasha.

"She smashed dad's pants!" That's when the woman snapped out of it and began to take off running with Steve following right behind her. She saw a window and jumped out of it landing on the streets of New York.

She stood up and a bunch of cars surrounded her and a man with an eyepatch approached her, "at ease, soldier."

The woman looked at him, "where am I?" She asked fiercely.

"In the streets of New York. Sorry about the show back there but we weren't sure how to tell you."

"Tell me what!?"

"You've been asleep Captain, for about 40 years." The woman's face fell, "welcome to 2016." He said, spreading out his arms. "Do you remember your name? You took quite a nasty bump to the head when you went in the water."

"Captain Rogers. Captain Alexandrina J. Rogers. But my last name is really—"

"Your last name is now Rogers." Fury cut her off.

Later... Alexandrina sat in a glass cell somewhere within Stark Tower. She was currently getting her blood drawn from Dr.Banner while on the other side of the glass wall the conference room for the avengers looked into her cell. All of them were there. Tony, Natasha, Thor, Steve, Bucky, and Clint. They all looked at her as she sat at the far-side wall with her head against it as Bruce drew blood.

"Her name is Captain Rogers." Fury stated.

They all looked at him, "but my name is Captain Rogers." Stated Steve.

"What? There can't be more than one?"

Furry pulled a screen up that had information and a picture of her in her formal army uniform. "Alexandrina J. Rogers" Natasha said looking at the information, "born January 21, 1946. Army Captain during Vietnam. Super Soldier experiment."

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