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Morrowseer flapped just above a forest near the skywing palace as the sun started to set, a small black egg in his large talons. He grumbled to himself as he saw a squadron of five skywings approaching, all covered head to tail in armor.

"State your business here, nightwing!" the one in front hissed, her cold gave beaming onto Morrowseer as the other 4 slowly formed a circle around him.

"I am simply searching for a safe place to put my egg, is that a problem?" He growled in his deep voice.

"What a funny little thing he's got here..." one of the soldiers mumbled "Would be perfect gift for the Queen... what do you lot think?" he chuckled.

They all nodded in agreement, Morrowseer knew where this was going and used the one skill he could always rely on. "I can see at least 50 different timelines here... and in every single one you fail..."

One of the guards who had a long gash over one of his eyes seemed afraid "How are we supposed to argue with that?"

The commander rolled her eyes "He's got no proof, now grab that egg idiots!"

All of the skywings were jetting towards him, with a quick spin, Morrowseer had knocked all the skywings away with his tail and he charged towards the commander, who he slashed across the neck then flung to the ground below as she screamed. He grabbed another by the tail and used him to bash the head of another with a loud crack as he tossed them both as well, the one with the gash managed to keep flying but didn't get far before his armor was welded to his body by mis-directed flame blast from one of the other soldiers. Morrowseer grabbed one by the neck, but this caused an opening for the other to grab his arm and try and wrestle the egg out of his grasp, they succeeded too well and the egg plummeted to the ground, rolling off of the trees below.

"NO!" Morrowseer and the soldiers screamed in unison, but the egg was already lost in the trees and most likely shattered. Morrowser grabbed the other soldier and bashed their heads together ruthlessly until both were limp corpses in his talons, he chucked them to the trees.

"Moons dammit..." he growled "alright... looks like I'm going to need the backup..." he shot off into the darkness as the black egg rested peacefully on a pile of moss and fallen leaves...

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