Chapter 7

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"Finally... we made it..." Tsunami huffed as she rubbed her head "That took too long..."

"You were unconscious most of the time, drama queen..." Glory scoffed as she looked at the bright trees and plant life that surrounded her.

"So, Dune, where do we go from here?" Clay questioned "Maybe to food? Oh! Do you think I could eat that toucan? Wait, I never really liked plucking feathers off birds... maybe if I can find a nice big cow!"

"Clay, first of all there's no cows in the rainforest." Dune started "And second of all, I have no idea where I'm going, Webs is the one who came here, not me."

"So, no food?" Clay asked with a saddened expression.

Sunny chuckled "Clay there is so much fruit everywhere! We wont have to hunt for a while!"

Clay pouted "Yeah... but I could really go for a cow right about now..."

"Put a cork in it, Clay... based on what webs has told me, we should be getting closer to the village, and we don't know if the stories of rainwings are true or not, so its better to play it safe." Glory and Tsunami growled at the mention of Webs.

They kept walking for a while, grabbing fruit from the trees to share, observing the plant life, when they heard whispering.

"I'm not the only one who hears that whispering, right?" Deathbringer's ears shot up.

"I can but not with your blathering." Glory hissed as her ears twitched slightly.

Starflight held his head and closed his eyes "One moment... yep, someone's here..." he started to whisper as his eyes shot open "Quickly, the bushes!" he dashed towards a large bush and dove into it, however it merely bounced away and seemingly vanished into thin air.

"What in th-" Dune started but was cut off, everyone turned around and he was gone.

"Starflight, what's happening?" Sunny reached towards Starflight but he was no longer there.

Glory drew her spear "Weapons everyone... and by that I mean the only other dragon with weapons... Deathbringer?"

Sunny whipped around a bit "Clay and Tsunami are gone too!"

Sunny turned back around to find Glory's spear lying on the ground "Wh- where... no no no... what is..." she felt a small sting on the side of her neck as she fell to the ground, two sets of talons, pink and blue, slowly walked towards her as she blacked out.

haha writers block sucks!

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