Chapter 6

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"Well... that's taken care of..." Glory wiped some blood off of her scales.

Dune pulled his tail out of Vengeance's head and flicked the blood off then walked over to Clay and removed the spear before wrapping his leg with bandages.

"That could have gone better..." Clay mumbled as Dune helped him up.

"It also could have gone worse..." Starflight piped up "Much... much worse..."

Deathbringer looked skeptically at each of them "So-"

"Not a word." Glory and Dune snapped at the same time, Dune hefting Tsunami onto his back.

Glory growled at him "What are we supposed to be all buddy buddy with him now?"

"I think we should!" Sunny exclaimed excitedly, Starflight nodded in agreement, although Glory had noticed he always did that.

"W-well... we have a better chance of staying alive if he sticks with us..." Starflight stammered.

Glory rolled her eyes "Fine, but if he tries anything he's getting a face full of venom..."

"Trust me, I wouldn't try anything if it would hurt you..." he chuckled as Glory growled 

"Can we at least tie his snout shut?" Glory sighed.

"If he's coming with he's more useful if he can use his fire, now we should go before we're spotted..." Dune mumbled as he passed the spear to Glory.

They all turned as they heard rustling in the trees and Dune signaled to follow him.

"Hey! Whos there! Stop!" Someone called from between the trees.

"Ah hell... move, go, all of you! Quickly!" Dune roared as he started pushing everyone towards the undergrowth and through the woods before they could be caught.


The large scarred sandwing growled to herself as her talons tapped impatiently on the large stone table with a map of the continent on it.

"So... you're saying one of your subjects saw the potential dragonets of destiny, and their caretaker, AND DIDN'T KILL THEM!?"

"Well... yes, but I doubt they would have killed them without my orders, besides, without them the war wont end... well... wont end well..."

"Moorhen you idiot... this is the only time I will even speak well of one of my sisters, but in the words of Blister, this war isn't about ending, its about winning... so if you see them on your turf you will kill them!"

Moorhen hesitantly nodded before looking to the large skywing across the room who was twirling some jewels in her talons.

"Scarlet." The sandwing also turned to the skywing, who didn't look up.

"Scarlet!" Still no responce.

"SCARLET SNAP OUT OF IT YOU DIMWIT!" The sandwing roared, finally getting Scarlet's attention.

"Hm? Oh yes, the little pests... trust me I have an idea, Queen Burn..." She chuckled as she examined the rings on her talons.

Burn's eye twitched "Are you going to say your idea?"

"Oh yes! I almost forgot! Its quite thrilling I will admit..." She clapped her talons and two figures emerged from the shadows behind her. "You've both met my champion, Peril, well this here is her father! He's an expert at hunting jobs..."

"That should be enough..." Burn growled "They wont slip away this time..."


The large nightwing landed next to the sandwing with a heavy thud.


"Queen Blister..."

"Did you do what was told of you?" She hissed at him.

Morrowseer sighed "Dune ran off with the dragonets, killed a bunch of our troops, and took Deathbringer under his wing... and Webs escaped... however Kestrel has been... disposed of..."

"Hmmm..." Blister mumbled "Its a start I suppose... what about that hothead nightwing they left behind?"

"We are putting him to the test now... after all... we're short an assassin..."


Blaze walked through her fortress on the boarder of the icewing kingdom.

"Oh moons... she should have been here by now... maybe something happened? No, Glacier's to wonderful to get caught and killed... nobody would be able to kill her... not even with magic..."

She pushed open the door to her war room, which was small but still beautifully decorated, her generals were gathered around the table.

"Hello your majesty." One of them mumbled.

"Hello Fossil, have you received word from Queen Glacier yet?" Blaze tilted her head curiously.

He looked confused "Glacier has been waiting for you in your private waiting room."

Blaze gasped and dashed out then dashed into the private room "Glacier!" she hugged the royal icewing then quickly pulled away "Right, no hugs during meetings."

"Blaze, Im happy to see you too but we have a problem..."

"What? How?" Blaze tilted her head.

"Blaze... your sisters have been finding our camps and secret bases like they were burning scavengers at midnight... we have a spy..."

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