Chapter 1

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The brightest night had approached quickly, inside of their cave, four eggs were peaceful in a nest, blood red, deep blue, bright gold, and blackish purple, soon a pale white egg with colorful spots was added to the pile by a seawing, he was shouted at by a nearby skywing as the blood red egg hatched, but in a nearby forest, a once deep black egg had turned silver as several cracks splintered across its smooth surface. There wasn't an active attempt from the dragonet to get out, but the cracks from when the egg had fallen many days ago had grown large enough for the shell to splinter into pieces with the smallest bit of pressure.  The deep grey dragonet squeaked and looked around, there was nobody here. He stood up and shook himself off, unfurling his wings revealing his splash of stars on the underside, his deep green eyes looked around, silver teardrop scales at either end of them. He stumbled off the moss and wandered the forest aimlessly, eating mushrooms and berries for days. 


The nightwing clutched his head as a wave of visions hit him, stuff like a pack of wolves through a certain part of the forest or skywings flying overhead. They were always either danger or peace, one always stood out to him but he was always too afraid to investigate, an open cave, he didn't know what to expect but it was outside of the forest which he couldn't handle any more. He walked and walked and walked until he reached a ravine, in the futures where he flies down, he falls and dies on the rocks below, when he climbs he's safe, so he slowly scaled down the side until he found the cave, large talon prints were in the mud, some webbed and some not, he found a large boulder blocking what appeared to be the entrance, based on his visions he knew this boulder could be moved easily, so he pushed it to the side and entered the dimly lit cave. He could see the dreams of an intensely cripple sandwing, something about missing home and hoping for redemption. In a cave further down he could hear giggling and laughter, he peeked his head around the corner and saw five dragonets, a light brown mudwing, deep blue seawing, rainwing, dark purple nightwing, and a golden sandwing. In his visions if he revealed himself, the mudwing and sandwing would welcome him with open wings, the seawing would shoot death threats at him, the nightwing would be disgusted with how much dirt and foliage was on him, and the rainwing... the rainwing wouldnt care that he was here.

"Clay come on you already got two cows after you ate Dune's!" the nightwing squealed as he gently shoved the mudwing, who bumped into a large wooden rack sending several strange rolls of paper flying off. One of the scrolls hit him on the head and he let out a surprised squeak, causing all of the dragonets to go silent and turn towards him.

"Wh-" The seawing started to snarl but was cut off by a furious roar.


"We're here!" The sandwing called then grabbed his talons and gently pushed him under one of the rock ledge beds and started to whisper as she pulled the blankets to hide him "Stay here! Don't let the guardians see you!"

He nodded franticly as he stared into her deep green eyes and curled up into a ball, peeking between the gaps in his wings and the blankets as a large skywing stormed into the room.

"What is the meaning of this? Who went outside?" she hissed as she glared at everyone one by one "Was it you rainwing?" she spoke the last word with utter disgust.

The rainwing rolled her eyes "Sure... blame the rainwing again... how original..."

The skywing hissed "Do not talk back to me, you are lucky Webs and Dune are merciful or I would have killed you the moment you hatched..." she whipped around and walked out of the room.

Once everyone was sure they were gone and that the boulder had closed, they all turned back to the bed and dragged him out from under it, bombarding him with questions, his head hurt from all the visions and thoughts racing through their heads so he shot upwards towards a hole at the top of the cave, he realized that despite being the same age as all the others he was much smaller, even smaller than the tiny sandwing, so he squeezed through the hole and started running.

"Wait! Come back!" He could hear the sandwing's voice echo from the cave, he was tempted to turn around and go back in but he knew the risk was too dangerous, but there was something he could do...


Sunny watched the nightwing disappear with a sad sigh "Why didnt they stay?"

"Maybe we were too overwhelming? We did ask a lot of questions..." Clay mumbled as Glory nodded.

"So what?" Phantom scoffed "They cant handle us, big whoop, who needs some stranger? I'm going to bed." He walked out of the cave as the others all grumbled at him.

"Well... I'll be hitting the hay as well..." Glory walked out and Tsunami followed.

"Sorry Sunny... maybe we'll find someone else..." Clay mumbled as he followed the other two.

Sunny sighed and looked at the sky hole one more time before turning around and started to walk out when she felt a small stone hit the back of her head, she turned around to see the snout of the nightwing from before.

"You came back!" She whispered excitedly.

He opened his mouth seemingly to speak but only a small squeak came out.

Her expression saddened "C-can you not talk?"

He shook his head.

"I can teach you." she whispered, earning an excited squeak from the nightwing. "Do you have a name?"

He shook his head again, Sunny tapped her snout a few times. "There's this one name that our guardians considered for Phantom but never used, would it be fine if I named you?"

He nodded with a big grin. Sunny smiled "Well, I hope you like your new name, Starflight."

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