Rules of the Club

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The teacher barged in not a moment before they lunged and saw the entire affair. It was lucky on Draco's part as he did not have to protect himself and get the entire situation blamed on him, but at the same time, he was somewhat worried. He...did not actually know this teacher. He wondered when he had been hired in the first place, because according to what he had managed to gather he was not the same teacher that had taught whilst Tom was at school. Either way, the Teacher came and cast a Protego charm just in time as Draco curled back into the chair, playing the timid frightened student that he had been going for.

"Are you alright?" The Professor asked, turning to Draco, who merely nodded his head without saying anything. If he tried to say something he was sure that his anger would show and that would ruin the play. Currently, even with his lapses in behavior at times, he had managed tot paint the perfect picture of himself, and he was not about to let Potter's gang destroy it in one afternoon.

"That is good," The Professor turned to the wayward gryffindor students. "Now, I am not entirely sure what is going on here, but I will not tolerate any bullying." James scoffed.

"We were not..." 

"I have eyes," The Professor said, cutting them off. "Two of you lunged towards young master Malfoy, which means that it was two against one, and therefore, it was unfair. Considering Young master Malfoy is the only other person in the room, barring your friends, it is not hard to see what was going on here, Mr. Potter." 

Draco decided that he liked this teacher, even if he was not sure who, or...where, he came from. The man was a bit stern, strict, but had eyes, and it would seem was not one to allow the favoritism of Gryffindor allowed in his class. He was currently the DADA teacher, which made Draco feel a little bit daft. Of course the Defense Professor would want a Defense club. Either way, Draco had enjoyed his classes so far. He was far better than their other professors. Then again that was not exactly hard to manage. Barring Lupin and Severus, they had not exactly had the best choice of professors. 

He leaned back in the armchair, once more appearing unaffected. In all reality, he had not cared too much. He had sustained more injuries than he could count, and truthfully he doubted that the Potters were capable of doing too much damage when push came to shove, so it had not really bothered him too much when they lunged at him. of course, he was a bit nervous, who would not be, but in the end he had been provoking them to goad them into responding, so it was not shocking when they had.

"I brought us here, originally, because I did not think it was a good idea to start off with fighting, it would seem..." Here the Professor took a deep, and a dark, look at the Potters. "That I was correct in my assumptions." He sighed heavily. "Learning Defense is not just about knowing the curses, you also have to be able to understand them, how they work, and there is a theory on it that is not often studied." The professor shook his head softly. "Once you know how the spells work, you are going to be able to better manipulate them to your needs." 

Draco already knew all of this. He had an inkling that he was going to become rather bored rather quickly if this was the way that this club was going to go. He understood the merit of understanding the spells that you are casting, and of course it was important but even still, it was something that he was already aware of....

Then again had he truly expected to learn something that he did not already know? This was a class, and he had been advanced already, always been advanced. He supposed that this was more for the social call than it was for the actual subject matter. It was important to be able to find allies, something that was hard to come by a majority of the time. Besides, now knowing that the Potter boys and their little band of misfits were there as well, he could not just ignore it. 

"Before we learn a spell, or a curse, I want you to read up about it, and the the next time that we come we will have a discussion. If I am pleased with you level of progress, than we will proceed to actively casting the curse. If not, we will wait. I do not want any mishaps." 

Draco nearly scoffed. He did not, of course, but it was a rather near thing. This was a dueling club about magic, exactly how did this Professor intend to stop incidents from happening. that was quite unrealistic. It just was not going to happen. Especially with the Potters in the group. He supposed it was a good concept, but it just was unlikely. Typical Hufflepuffs, wanting to keep the peace. 

He knew that the Professor likely understood that this was not going to work either but he would keep doing it because it was the best approach that they had to ensure that nobody was going to get hurt. It was admirable, but stupid. 

"Professor," Draco ventured, finally going to speak. The Professor turned to him, gazing at him with a level of intense scrutiny that Draco was unsure if he should be pleased or upset with.

"What is it Mr. Malfoy?" The Professor asked gently, likely remembering the scuffed that the Gryffindor Students had with him not moments prior. He was....he was feeling pity. Draco hated pity, but he supposed in this case he could use it, did not bother him as much. 

"How many times will we be meeting per week? And will everyone have to contribute to speaking something?" 

"Twice per week, Mr. Malfoy, and I am not quite understanding the necessity of the second question." Draco rolled his eyes towards the floor, of course he didn't stupid teacher. 

"I mean, if someone is more aware of the spell, and the actions and reactions, does that mean that the entire group then gets to practice the spell, even if perhaps they had not done any research on it? Does everyone need to contribute something? Or is it a one and all sort of deal?" The Professor smiled at his question. 

"I intend to have everyone contribute." He said gently. Draco inwardly laughed. This was going to be interesting. At least.

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