Untitled Part 25

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Draco sighed heavily. He had thought perhaps Potter and his buddies attempts to corner him would end quite swiftly, given the place that they were and the fact that the Professor seemed to be quite serious. However, it would seem as though his thoughts were rather misplaced. Though he supposed he should have expected that. What other part of Gryffindor bravery could there be if they refused to acknowledge the teachers around them. He swore, it was only the favortisim of Gryffindor that had gotten most of them through school with just how reckless that they were at the best of times. It was utterly insane. Just how stupid could one house be, seriously?

Draco leaned back against the armchair, draping his arm off the side of his chair, he worked very hard not to roll his eyes once again. It was a good thing that his willpower was beyond what it probably should be, given the fact that they had so far only covered basic curses and counters that Draco already knew. Not that he could say that...as it would be rather...damning, and Draco was not one to do such things to the family name. Still, it was dull, and he was beginning to drastically regret signing up for this club. It was boring. Horribly so, and fighting to pay attention was really getting to him. 

He wanted to write to Tom, but he had also had the strength of mind to know that Tom figuring out that he was in this club with the Potters, and simultaneously complaining about the Potters prior to his joining the club when they had seen each other the first time, well, that was definitely not the wisest choice. He did not know how the other would react to such news, and he would really prefer to not take unnecessary risks. It was pointless either way. There was nothing that Tom could do, seperated as they were. 

It was almost sad. Draco had written Tom once before soon after the club had started, wisely neglecting to mention that he had joined a club. He did not want Tom to possibly get annoyed or frustrated. These sorts of clubs were dangerous, but in the end he knew it was the best call. Despite the fact that it was horribly annoying and parroted back information that he had known for several years now. Sometimes he wondered just how it was that some people could neglect learning about this, and then he remembered that the Malfoy family dabbled in Dark Arts a lot more than other noble families. Halfbloods and Mudbloods he could understand, but purebloods should know as much about magic as he did, ideally. Yet with the stuttering answers of Potter and his gang a majority of the time, barring Lupin, who just rolled his eyes, it would seem as though this was very obviously not the case. He supposed an exception should be made for most Gryffindorian Purebloods. Even ravenclaw pureblood families knew more and they rarely made it outside of scholars or researchers. 

"Mr. Malfoy, is the ceiling have something that is more interesting than the information that I am giving you?" The teacher asked, his eyes on the young pureblood, who closed his eyes trying to quickly figure out how the best to respond is. He swallowed, turning his crystal blue eyes to the Professor who was waiting for his response expectantly. 

"I apologize Professor," He said softly, his head bowed slightly. He gave a small, but clearly tense smile. "I was not paying attention. I have for some unknown reason had a headache the last few hours. I do not know why. I shall endeavor to pay closer attention. Please, continue." 

The Professor hesitated, clearly at war with himself. He knew that the young boy had yet to present himself, and he wa somewhat worried that perhaps this was the beginning of it. Headaches at times were known to occur, along with the general feeling of being ill, or sore, or restless. It rather depended on the family. He did not want to continue if the boy was truly beginning to present. He bit his lower lip, a bit wondering at what he should do in this instance, but with a dark look from the young Malfoy he just shook his head and cleared his thoughts, continuing with his lesson on their curse for the week. 

He had worked with the youngest Malfoy for the last few weeks. He had known the other was smart, intelligent, and quite brilliant really. It was a wonder to see how his mind spun things around, and the questions for some of the curses that he managed to come up with. There was something about in the way he worded himself, it was more like he was testing HIM, of all people, over just asking. Though there was no way, the Teacher knew, that Draco would manage to know all this information. The Malfoys may be a dark arts family, but he had also been raised in an unknown for quite some time. It was unlikely that he had access to the materials of the Malfoy family in order to learn all of this information. 

He cursed himself mentally for questioning such a young boy. It was not his fault for how he had been taken. The boy's mother too. It was obvious that wherever he had been, it had been quite difficult on him. He did not wish to add to it. He finished his lesson faster than perhaps he would typically, but he also wished to take the Malfoy boy to the hospital wing. He did not want to risk anything happening to the youngest on his watch. The family would flay him alive, with quite the enthusiasm more than like, if anything were to happen to their young gem on his watch. 

"Mr. Malfoy, could you please wait here for a moment." Draco paused in his standing, turning towards the teacher, one eyebrow raised, before dropping gracefully back into the chair that he had occupied the last rough hour and a half. He folded his arms across his chest and stared at him, with his head slightly tilted, waiting. 

The Teacher was distantly reminded of a predator, but shoved the thought aside. The boy was too young to dabble in dark things. Not to mention, he was so kind and curious. Innocence warred through every expression he wore, despite the flashes of something more behind those icy eyes. 

"Yes, Professor?" The boy asked, his voice cultivated carefully. He was wary, though the Professor had somewhat expected that. He had called him away without explaining as to why, after all. 

"How long have you been having your...headaches? Have they been a constant occurence?" Draco furrowed his brows, a bit shocked that the Professor would actually stop him after class for something as simple as this. 

"It is not a big deal Professor, I assure you. If you would please, I must be getting back to my brother now." He said, his voice a demand not a suggestion as he stood and walked out of the door. 

In all reality, the headaches had started yesterday, but...there was nothing to really be concerned over. Right?

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