Part 2

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The Goblin wondered how best to approach the situation. He had been asked by the head of the Malfoy house to perform a magic test, attempting to test the unconscious boy's blood. It would appear that the Head of the House had suspicions about the newcomer's identity. In the end, he chose brute honesty as the best policy.

"He is of Malfoy blood... and of Black blood as well. Your descendant," he paused slightly before continuing onwards. "Take care how you treat him. I would say he was born just before your wife was confirmed dead," the goblin said, staring at Abraxas. The Head of the Malfoy house stared at the sleeping boy in shock. It was... shocking to hear the words confirmed, even if he had suspected it. Having them spoken aloud by another, hearing the absolute certainty, it shook him to his core somewhat. He was quite happy though, glad to finally have his young boy back. Though he wondered why it was that Narcissa had run in the first place, he supposed none of that truly mattered at this point. Lucius and Severus had found him and brought him back, but to find out he was his son? The one he had suspected his wife hid from him before she disappeared? That was unexpected.

After years of trying to find her, she ended up being confirmed dead, tracking spells and locator magic being deemed useless. In such an effect, she was finally determined dead over missing. Though it would seem as though this was proof that she was not. At least, not at the beginning. Though he had no idea how she had managed to evade all of the spells and attempts at finding her, the fact that his son was here now? That was proof positive that she was not dead, at least, not from the beginning. For now, though he found himself slightly angered over the situation that she had forced upon him oh so many years ago, all he could really think of was the relief at having his lost son home. Finally.

"It would not surprise me if Bellatrix and Narcissa hid him deep away to keep him from you, Sir Malfoy. The two did have a particular... complicated relationship with you, after all." Though that was true, Abraxas was not too fond of it being spoken aloud and turned his sharp gaze on the Goblin. He turned his head away, his eyes softening once more as they were cast upon the newcomer.

"After so long, why is he just turning up now? It has been over 15 years," he wondered, speaking his thoughts for the Goblin to hear. The other did not have an answer and just continued with the facts.

"The boy is not in very good condition," he said bluntly. "He has magical traces all over him, and not good ones. Bad ones, such as the cruciatus, among others." The Goblin did not stop his dialogue despite Abraxas' gasp of horror, simply continuing forward with savagery. "Not to mention he is clearly underweight, not too badly, but enough for it to have an effect on his magic. I would say, that after everything got too much for him, and he was on his last leg, his magic transported him to the closest safest place. He is a Malfoy, coming within the boundaries of a Malfoy's territory would be, to him, incredibly safe and familiar." The Goblin paused, glancing at the boy. "I am not too sure that he meant to transport himself here, though, so he may not react well when he first wakes. Remember, he may not even know who you are, and his memories may also be incredibly confused and twisted for a long time. Who knows if they will ever right themselves. Without knowing what was done to him, we have no way of knowing how your wife could have tainted his memory. Or what she would have told him. He may believe a wide variety of things, and it is quite possible he may fear you as well."

Abraxas took a deep breath. "I am glad to have him returned to me. Lucius though, I am not sure how either will react. Either way, I shall help the boy with anything should he need it."

"Give it some time. Focus on how you plan to handle the media. After all, this is rather significant news."

"Yes, yes it is."

"And take care how you handle him. Like I said, not only is he of YOUR blood, but he has been through much. Perhaps far more than what we could even hope to comprehend."

"Of course, thank you." Abraxas watched the goblin go with a heavy sigh. He soon followed, his son, Lucius, coming up to him almost immediately.

"Father," he began. "What news?"

"Lucius, that boy, is your younger brother." Lucius stared, Severus, standing several feet behind him, froze in shock. Both looked at him with blank faces.

"You mean the one you suspected..."

"Yes. And it would seem my suspicions of his treatment were correct." Lucius' jaw clenched in anger at that. "I know it is so sudden, but... I have been hoping he was alive for so long. I feared he died along with your mother, but he did not. It is, quite literally, a miracle."

"But Father, if he is a Malfoy, then that means..."

"Yes, though from the looks of it, he has not come into his inheritance, he will, very soon." Lucius glanced at Severus.

"Do you know which side he will take after?" Severus asked, suddenly, moving forwards.

"No," Abraxas said, his worry showing through just slightly. "Although it is common for purebloods to take after both inherent bloodlines, but as for what he will be, that is undetermined. Mostly because we know nothing of him. I cannot determine whether he will be more submissive, or dominant, or both, as I have never interacted with him." Severus nodded, understanding.

"It would do well if you two could try to figure that out preferably before he comes into his inheritance." Lucius bowed slightly. As did Severus

"We shall do our best." The Head Malfoy nodded.

"I must leave. There is much to be done now."

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