Arsonphobia -11-

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Not the best, but at least it's somthing, right? (:

Chapter Eleven

I hadn’t even realized that Halloween had passed, and now all of the sudden it’s Christmas? I probably still wouldn’t have known that if it wasn’t for Mr. Hunt this morning.

Right when I walked into class with Toni by my side, I knew something wasn’t right. Mr. Hunt had on a big red ball on the tip of his nose, and a Christmas shirt with fake antlers that were sticking out on top of Rudolph’s head. He smiled brightly as we walked in, just seconds before the bell.

“Take your seat ladies; I have very special news for you!” He sung out to the class. The class groaned and I looked over towards my seat. There he was, Bentley that is. He was sitting right where he normally sat, looking at me with a small smile on his face. No, we haven’t talked about yesterday when I broke down on him, none of us talked about it. It was like it had never happened. I’m not sure if I was or wasn’t okay with that.

As I made my way towards my desk I could feel butterflies erupt into the bottom of my stomach. I took a deep breath and let it out, trying to calm my nerves. Once we had finally sat down, I looked in the front of the class room, ignoring the stare I got from Bentley.

Sleigh bells ring, are you listening?  Mr. Hunt started to sing, playing the guitar that was neatly placed on his lap. Everyone in the class started to laugh as he just smiled and laughed a little with us. He winked at a couple people in the front as he continued.

I don’t know… what I’m singing anymore?” He continued, in the same tune in the beginning of the song went by. The class was still laughing, some had never even stopped.

It’s a beautiful class; you’re all full of sass, walking in a winter wonderland!” He sang, I could tell he didn’t have this planned; he kept looking up at the ceiling as he was thinking of lyrics to add.

“I see you all, passing notes; in the halls, out on your boats. Don’t think I don’t know, when you’re skipping class, just make sure you bring me some cookies.” The class all laughed out in confusion as he pulled out a Santa hat and put it on top of his head.

Santa knows, just who you are. I tell him all, the dirty secrets, I hear in my class, so don’t you laugh; walking in a winter wonderland” He finished, putting his guitar behind his desk and taking a bow as the whole class clapped for him.

“It’s Christmas next week! Are you all excited as I am?” He asked, going up to the board and writing down the countdown to Christmas, we had exactly one week. The class started to fill up with chatter as the teacher got things in order to start class.

“Please, no one post what I just did onto the internet…” He said, making a couple people laugh and groan as he made them delete the video they took of him singing.

“Anyways…” He started, still wearing his Christmas sweater and red nose. There was s sudden knock on the door and his wife entered. Mr. Hunt looked once, and returned his attention back to the class.

“Go to page three hundred and ninety-four.” He said, mimicking professor Snape in the Harry Potter series. A couple Potter-Nerds laughed but flipped their books open.

“Read this chapter, and make sure to write notes. Melinda, can I speak to you in my office?” Mr. Hunt said, holding the door open for his wife to walk out of and for me. We were all standing in Mr. Hunts “office” which was just the hallway, and Rose went around the corner for a second.

“We want you to meet someone!” He said happily. Rose came back from around the corner and held up a baby carrier. Their little girl was fast asleep in it. Her cheeks were all rosy red and her lips were moving.

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