31 - Build up

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A/N: Heh. Yeah, we're starting off like this. Enjoy :)))


Lilith's POV:

"Fuck, please don't stop," I say as I moan loudly, tugging billies hair. I hear her moan into me as she continues to eat me out. She suddenly moves away and quickly inserts her two fingers into me, making me moan louder. She moves her head towards my ear and whispers lustfully.

"Your such a good little slut," She whispers as she continues to edge me, making me wetter by the second.

"Please - let me cum," I beg as I look at her, trying to keep my eyes open.

"I like it when you beg," She says before going down on me again. 

Then finally, I feel myself release as I moan loudly, Billie covering my mouth with her other free hand. I suddenly feel myself start trembling all over, especially in my legs. I look at Billie to see she's licking her fingers off before crawling on top of me to kiss me roughly, yet passionately. She pulls away and caresses my cheek.

"Good girl," 

"Lilith!" Jake suddenly shouts at me, bringing me back from my memory of last night.

"Hm?" I say to him as I adjust myself.

"Jesus, I called your name like three times, what's up with you this morning?" He asks me concerned.

"Nothing, I was just distracted a bit," I say to him as I lean back into my chair.

"Yeah - seems like it. Did you hear anything of what I was saying to you?" He asks me again.

"Uhm," I say as I scratch the back of my head nervously, "Honestly, no," I tell him.

He rolls his eyes before continuing.

"As I was saying, I was talking to Desmond on the phone last night after the after-party at the AMA's, and something doesn't seem right about him, I'm not only concerned, but I'm worried, for your sake and for Billie," He tells me. I furrow my eyebrows immediately.

"What did he say?" I ask him.

"He went on and on about how he was jealous, that he needed to be with you and how he's obsessed with you. I don't fucking know but, all of that coming from him, it just doesn't seem like him, at least to me." Jake says as he folds his arms.

"What did he say specifically that made you worry?" I ask him again. He shakes his head and looks down.

"Something along the lines of, I'd be careful if I was her, that immediately set me off. I shouted at him, telling him to back the fuck off and to just leave it alone. After that, he chuckled and ended the call. I tried texting him but I think he blocked my phone number - he even blocked me on everything else." He says as he looks away.

I exhaled stressfully and looked away.

I have a bad feeling about all of this and about him. 

"Do you think he's planning something?" I ask him. He looks at me and shrugs.

"Seeing how demented he is and how obsessed he sounds about you, I honestly wouldn't want to even think about it." He says before looking at me seriously. "But if I were you, I'd be taking this seriously. Take it up to the police and file a report about it." He says to me genuinely.

"I will," I say as I get up from my couch, Jake following me as well.

"Is Billie still asleep?" He asks me before he grabs his coat.

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