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Liked by dojacat and 8,159,414 othersbillieeilish @ELLEUSA COVERView all 57,759 commentsdojacat Invent green, bitch

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Liked by dojacat and 8,159,414 others
billieeilish @ELLEUSA COVER
View all 57,759 comments
dojacat Invent green, bitch. Invent it. 🔥
ilovebillieee goddamnn 🥵😍😈
1 week ago

"Bro she's so fuckin' hot," Lexi shouted, holding the 'o' sound in hot. I rolled my eyes.

"Who?" I asked curiously while taking a hit from my vape pen while laying down on the couch.

"Billie." She replied. I looked at her, lifting my head a bit, still curious and confused. She looks back at me, expecting to know who she's talking about. I'm still clueless.

"Billie Eilish." She adds the last name, still expecting to know who she's talking about.

"Who?" I've never heard of her. And in all honesty, I didn't get why Lexi was obsessed over this girl.

"Shut up."


"Shut the fuck up!" She says surprised.

"What do you mean!"

"How in the hell do you not know who Billie Eilish is!" Lexi asked confused.

"I don't know! Jesus Christ, you're acting like this is a big deal." I reply slightly annoyed, now sitting up from the couch.

"Because it is!" Lexi shouts.

"Look." I get up from the couch and walk up to her.

"I have to be at a venue soon and work my shift there so if you can leave this be, I'd appreciate it. When my shift is over and I come back, I will gladly take a look at whoever you're talking about." I say before grabbing my backpack.

"Ugh. Fine. But you're not escaping this conversation when you get back." She says seriously. God this girl has an obsession.

"Whatever you say, hun." I grab my keys and head out the door, walking towards my car and entering it. I turn on the ignition and back out of my parking spot, once I'm fully out, I start driving off.

These past few months alone have been fucking hectic. Let me give you a rundown on what's happened so far and why the universe had a sudden urge to be an asshole to me. First and foremost, two months ago I gathered up the courage to come out to my family that I'm bisexual. I've suspected this for years but took me a while to realize that my feelings for girls were more than just friendly. So, when I did tell my parents, I thought they would accept me for it and love their daughter the same as before. Well, let me tell you.

I was immensely wrong.

My mom started to get annoyed and kept asking me, "What do you mean your bi?" and also kept saying, "You're just confused." and shit along the lines of that while trying to get me to deny my own feelings. My dad on the other hand didn't even have any input, he kept agreeing with whatever my mom said. Long story short, it turned into a whole argument and got so heated that my mom specifically said, "We don't allow nor accept homosexuality into this household." and told me if I don't respect their rules that I can leave and figure out where to stay.

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