3 - Demure

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Once I completely backed up, I start driving to Lexi's place. The thought of calling her before Billie gets there was probably a good idea, or else she'd probably be so surprised she'd pass out. My phone was connected to my radio so it was easier for me to call people rather than hold my phone to my face while driving. I stopped at a red light and took my phone out, going to my contacts and pressing Lexi's, pressing the call button. I set my phone back on my cup holder and heard the phone ring. I grabbed my backpack and unzipped it, finding my vape pen and taking hits while waiting for the light to turn green and for Lexi to pick up.

"Hello?" Lexi answered, hearing her on the stereo.

"Hey so, two things. Right now I'm on my way back to the apartments, and I have some good news and some bad news. Which one first?" I said, smoke coming out of my mouth, the light turning green while I press on the gas.

"Uhm...." I hear silence before Lexi answers. "Good."

"Well firstly, I got the job and now I'm going on tour with the new crew, aka roadies," I say before sighing. "There's also someone coming over so wear something decent and make sure the house is nice and shit," I say before taking another hit.

"What's the bad news?" Lexi asks.

"The tour requires me to be away for a bit. When I mean a bit, I mean three months." I sigh.

"Goddamn, that's long," Lexi said surprised.

"Well, I'm almost there so I'll talk to you then."

"Alrighty, bye."

"Bye." I hung up on my phone and set it back down, taking one last hit from my vape pen. I pulled into our apartments and turned in left. I drove until I was near my complex, seeing Billie's car close by, already parked. I parked close to hers and moved the gear stick to Park. I texted Billie again.

you cant stop me😎
i'm here
i see your car, come on
tf you just call me?
*Read at 3:14 pm*

I smirked and bit my lip. She's too cute, I thought to myself. I put my vape pen in my bag and zipped it up. I opened my car door and got out, taking my bag with me, then closing the door behind me, locking my car. I walked towards Billie's car and saw her exiting it. Once I was near her car she noticed me.

"You did not just call me princess." Billie said in disbelief.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." I said smirking. I started walking towards my complex and gestured her to follow me. "Follow me..." I paused, then continued. "Princess." I smirked to myself.

"Bro stop." Billie said holding the o's in both words.

God, she's so adorable.

"Make me." I said with a wide smirk, walking up the steps to the front door of our apartments.

"I will." She said, reaching up the final step.

"Sure you will." I said sarcastically before pulling my keys out from my pocket and unlocking the door. Before I opened the door I turned to Billie.

"Before we go in, just know Lexi is, obsessed, with you and your music. And that she might start freaking out and cry." I warned Billie.

"It's nothing I'm not used to. Besides, I don't mind, I love my fans regardless." Billie replied smiling.

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