Part 4

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~~story time~~

After the boys said hello and they all caught up they continued with talking about Netty

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After the boys said hello and they all caught up they continued with talking about Netty

"how did you get a video camera?" George asked with a laugh "well, Lily doesn't like to talk about it because she was very upset at Netty and I for a while" Sirius said while trying to hide his laughter "well what did you do" harry asked "we went to the muggle world, which was a disaster because we had no clue how to get around without magic, we were both raised in the magic world so we looked mad" Sirius said while everyone laughed. Netty sat next to Sirius with a proud smile. She always thought this was her favorite thing she did.

"Anyways, we walked around londen asking where we could get video cameras and when we were finally told where to go nutty ran there, when we got the camera we didn't have enough muggle money so netty asked if she could go to the bank and we'd come right back" James and Remus along with the kids were all laughing now while lily was shaking her head disapprovingly " the store worker agreed and we never went back. We always sent our precious Lilly Flower, to get film from then on" lily final broke and laughed along with them.

"It's not funny, you two stole a camera" lily said while holding in laughter "then why are you laughing lily flower?"James said while he kissed her cheek "oh and we can't forget how she swore she was cupid for a couple of months" Molly said, all the kids turned to her "I remember, harry, your mother used to pretend to hate your father, we all knew she was a fibber and nutty wanted t prove it so for a month or so she made them go on dates she set up"Remus said "then your mum finally caved and became my girlfriend"James said with a big cheeky smile. "Then, she met molly and Arthur"sirius said pointing to molly who was teary eyed and stuffy "molly told Netty they didn't I on many dates anymore because of bill and Charlie so, once a week or every other week she would watch them and send Molly and Arthur on some date she set up" he said which made everyone laugh while hermione and ginny awed in unison.

"At our wedding, she was my maid of honor, her and Sirius made these dramatic speeches, then they sang a song, which I still think they purposely did horrible, because Netty was a good singer" Lily said with a smile "her and Sirius seemed extra close" Fred teased while wiggling his eyebrows "well-we may have dated for a little while" Remus and James both laughed "you two dated for a year and a half" James said "why'd you break up?" Hermione asked "we decided we were better friends" Sirius said "and that hooking up was more our thing" he mumbled to James which earned him a slap in the arm from molly "right sorry children" he added

"She was an animagus like us,of course unregistered because well it's us"James said "what was she?" Ginny asked intrigued " she was a fox, a very energetic fox" lily said. "In our fourth year, her third year, we dared her to hand out valentines cards at the ball while in fox form...they chased her around the great hall before kicking her out" Remus said "it was hilarious, there was just a little brown fox with big ears being chased around the dance" Sirius said while laughing. "We don't have that dance anymore" Ron said "yea, that was the last one" James said while scratching the back of his neck.

"She had these big clear glasses that she had to wear but never wore them. I remember telling her about twenty times a day to put them on, I believe we have a picture of you in them" Lily said to Harry "do you remember how she used to give us dares when we were out with her" bill said to charlie "yea, and if we did them she'd buy us ice cream" charlie said with a smile "she sounds like loads of fun"george said "she was, even to her last days, when she knew things were bad she managed to keep a smile on her face." Arthur said finally. He wasn't as close to netty but she was like family to him.

Netty walked over to the weasleys and put a hand on each of their shoulders. Molly's eyes widened as she felt the cold presents of a hand but quickly felt safe to the touch "you alright mum?" Ron asked. Molly placed her hand on top of nettys with a smile "yes, I'm very well" she said as a single tear fell. "When the twins were just babies"Molly said with a stuffy nose "Netty insisted on trying to carry them both at once. When she did she would run around the house with them like an airplane then have them jump out her arms" she said which made the twins laugh
"The scare on your elbow George, that's where you got it from, jumped at the wrong time and hit the corner of a table, she felt terrible for weeks"Netty frowned at the mention of the last part, she did feel really bad because she always said how safe the kids were with her, which they were. It was the first and only time any of the kids were hurt while she watched them. "We were convinced, when you two were old enough she'd be the one you latched onto, but we didn't get to see that out" molly said before breaking down

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