Part 5

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~~The Box~~

Lily got up from her seat and walked over to Harry and sat next to him

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Lily got up from her seat and walked over to Harry and sat next to him. "Do you know why we say to behave at school" she said to him "because someone special wants me to be someone great"he said as everyone watched "that special someone was netty, your godmother"the kids looked amazed "me and her fought for a month over who got to be your god parent, then we decided to fake a marriage so we could both be your godparents and then they said we didn't need to be married so, it was a waste of a month"sirius said which made everyone laugh

" she loved you, whenever she got the chance she would pick you up and spin you around, or dance with you, she charmed a snitch so it was slow enough for you to crawl around and grab, people used to think you were hers it was amazing" lily went on "oh her face when someone would ask if you were hers, it was like she'd just seen a beheading. Her eyes would get wide and she would shake her head then hand you back while saying ' not mine, no kids for me' it was hilarious" James said through laughs

" she's the one who saved me that night?" Harry said in shock "yes, she knew it was coming. She knew there was someone within the order that was giving the dark lord information.on that night she found out who it was and that he would attack, she insisted on us going out and watching over you so we did"James said as his laughs turned to tears starting to tease his eyes "we didn't know it would be the last time we saw her alive. But she wasn't scared or sad, she was..."lily stopped to think "she was nutty, her fun energetic self, excited to be able to spend time with you....even then she went down protecting you." lily said as the tears she had been keeping in finally fell.

" That night she came with a box, for you Harry, said you weren't allowed to have it till you were eleven but we forgot about it, do you want it now?" James said, Harry shot out of his seat "yes! Where is it" lily smiled "the attic, do you mind helping him? It's quite large and tucked away behind things. It's a large brown box that has 'for Harry' written on it" lily said to the kids. The kids ran to the attic and looked around for the box.

The kids looked through the boxes and clutter the potters had "hey look it Harry's first tooth" Fred said, holding up a baggy. Harry snatched the small bag and threw it back into the box of baby pictures. "I found it!" Hermione shouted from the far corner of the attic, Harry ran over to her and there, sitting on an old dusty chair sat a box that had "For Harry, from Nutty" written in big loopy letters.He picked up the box and with the help of ron took it back to the kitchen.

Harry and Ron dropped the big box on the table which sent dust everywhere. The adults looked at the box, tears now pouring from all their eyes "open it son, im interested on what she gave you" James said while wiping the tears away. Harry opened the big box, inside was red and gold tissue paper and a letter. "Read it out loud" ron said, harry unfolded the note and started to read

" Dear Harry, by the time you read this I'll be long gone. Although I'm not there in the flesh, you should know I'll always be watching over you, your mom, the weasleys and of course the marauder's. Now, I know your mother has hid the others but I wanted to give you a chance to meet me. There is a video made just for you that you can go back and watch when ever you please along with a few other things that were special to me. If you're anything like your parents I know you will think my passing is because of you, it's not. I knew what was happening that night and I knew what my end could be and I am fine with it, know I died with a smile and no regrets. Harry do me a favor, Live your life with only happiness, even when you feel there is none left, have no regrets, and be strong even when you're scared.
With much love, your godmother, Netty Longwood(Nutty) P.S: tell your dad, moony, and padfoot I still want my map back, oh and to stop crying the ugly gits"

When Harry finished reading the letter everyone, even the kids were in tears. Netty watched as they all cried then James let out a laugh through his sobes "that prat knew us too well" he said which made everyone laugh "open the gifts harry, James go get the VHS player" lily said through sniffles. Harry pulled out the tissue paper and then the vhs tape labeled "talk to me", inside was a gryffindor jersey with the number 1 and the name longwood on it, a necklace, a small box that said 'for James' on it, a picture book, and a bottle of perfume. James came back in with a vhs player, he looked at the stuff then picked up the jersey with a smile "what's in the small box harry" ginny said, harry shrugged. Tapped to the bottom was a note, so Harry pulled it off and read out loud

" James, this is the first snitch you had ever caught, you thought you lost it in the girls dormitory, i found it stuck in an old shoe thought you might want it back"
James took the box excited and held the snitch for everyone to see "how did you get that? Don't they take them back after the games" Hermione said "they do, we took it one night after the game. We did get caught but Dumbledore let us slide" James said, still examining the snitch.

Lily picked up the picture book, the first picture was of netty,peter, sirius,james, and remus laying in a circle on the floor with big cheeky smiles, 'first generation of Marauders' was written at the bottom of the picture " that's you guys?" Fred said surprised "yes"sirius said proudly "bloody hell, harry you do look like your dad" ron said with a laugh. "What did you guys mean by first generation?" Harry asked "netty wanted you all to continue our mischief, which I think Fred and George have been doing" Remus said while the the twins gave big proud smiles. The next picture was of Molly pregnant with Percy and Netty was smiling with her hand on her belly. "I remember that, I was ready to pop and freaking out, Netty calmed me down,"Molly said with a teary smile. They flipped through the pages and saw a picture of netty holding Harry right after he was born, her smile was soft but you could tell how happy she was.the picture was charmed so netty was waving then looking back to Harry like he was the most precious being she had ever seen.

when they finished looking at the picture harry picked the necklace up "i'm surprised she took that off for you" remus said with a smile "why?" Harry asked "it was her lucky charm, she didn't let anyone touch it and she never took it off" sirius added. Harry looked at the necklace, it was silver with a lion charm "it was her dads, he was a gryffindor to" James said "then why doesn't her dad have it, or her mom, or her siblings"harry said frantically "her parents passed a few years before she did and she was an only child" remus said reassuringly. Harry looked at the necklace once again and then put it on. "She gave you used perfume" Ron said with a laugh, the bottle didn't have a label and it was half empty, lily picked up the bottle and gave it a sniff then sprayed it in the room "strawberry pound cake" she said with a smile.

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